A judge overseeing a cartel case over a $2.5 billion ANZ share placement has granted ANZ’s bid for unredacted documents which the bank says will support its claims that the case should be permanently stayed because of improper dealings between whistleblower JPMorgan, ASIC and the ACCC.
It has been described as the darkest chapter in Victoria’s legal history, an exemplar of all that is terrible with class actions in Australia. A case of greedy lawyers who found their golden egg in a group of retirees who had lost their life savings, never thinking the chickens might come home to roost. Until now.
The Commonwealth Bank has resolved a case brought by former head of governance and company secretary Kara Nicholls, who resigned from the bank on Tuesday as part of a settlement of her claims that the governance team was overworked and under-staffed.
AMP has flagged a potential stay of a lawsuit filed by a Sydney-based financial planner against that overlaps with a class action brought by advisors alleging they suffered financial losses from changes in the company’s buyer of last resort policy.
Oil and gas producer Santos has successfully challenged the summary dismissal of its claim for recovery of more than $470 million paid to contractor Fluor Corporation in overhead costs incurred after the estimated completion date of gas hubs in the Surat Basin.
A judge has rejected a request for further information on ‘very senior’ Google employees involved in a notification related to a change to Google’s privacy policy which at the centre of court proceedings brought by the ACCC.
Pharmaceutical giants Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Pfizer have resolved a long-running intellectual property dispute over a 2015 patent owned by Pfizer for a pneumococcal vaccine.
US singer Katy Perry can withdraw an admission in a trade mark infringement case that licensing her brand to Target and Myer constituted use, with a judge finding the admission was “not consistent with current law”.
A judge hearing a $2 million dispute between a former tenured professor and the University of New South Wales has lamented the lengthy pleadings filed in Fair Work cases, saying “everything but the kitchen sink seems to be thrown in, without any discrimination”.
A judge has rejected an application by the plaintiffs in two class actions against Freedom Foods and Deloitte to run their cases side-by-side, but said she would have granted a bid to consolidate the proceedings had that been sought.