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Construction PRO
I’m afraid AI can’t do that: Law firms say smart tech uses limited
Ashurst 2025-02-25 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

While the use of artificial intelligence is becoming more commonplace in law firms, it has not yet transformed the practice of law, with lawyers reporting that concerns about privacy, reliability, and liability mean the application of AI remains limited.

Construction PRO
ANZ, Suncorp gear up for fight with ACCC over $4.9B merger
ACCC 2023-09-12 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

A battle with the competition regulator over the proposed ANZ, Suncorp tie-up has begun, with the first clash involving a group of rival lenders that want their submissions to the ACCC kept under lock and key.

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Jones Day nabs partner from Ashurst for energy practice
Ashurst 2023-09-05 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Global law firm Jones Day has recruited two partners for its growing energy practice, including a former Ashurst partner.

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Construction PRO
Ex-Qantas worker can’t escape settlement deed to bring discrimination claim
Anca Costin 2023-08-28 11:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former Qantas customer service manager can’t undo a $75,000 settlement she reached to resolve a workers compensation claim in order to pursue a discrimination suit against the airline, a court has found.

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MP Rebekha Sharkie accused of bullying in employment suit
Ashurst 2023-08-23 11:53 pm By Sam Matthews

South Australian MP Rebekha Sharkie has been hit with an employment suit by a former staffer who says she was subjected to “a course of bullying behaviour” by the MP that culminated in a stress-related hospitalisation and left her unable to work.

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Novartis can’t have separate trial on blood pressure drug invalidity claim
Ashurst 2023-08-18 10:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Novartis has lost its bid to have Pharmacor’s claim that its patent for a blood pressure drug is invalid decided ahead of a main trial where the Swiss pharmaceutical giant will allege the generic drug maker is threatening to infringe its patent. 

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Court strikes out pilot’s claims that Qantas workplace was ‘hostile to women’
Ashurst 2023-08-16 9:08 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Qantas has succeeded in attacking claims that it created a workplace that was “hostile to women”, leveled in a former female pilot’s sex discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuit.

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Noumi to face penalty in ASIC case after admitting to inflated inventory
Ashurst 2023-08-15 9:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Noumi has admitted in a case by ASIC to breaching its continuous disclosure obligations by overstating the value of its inventory and failing to give a true and fair view of the company’s financial position.

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Class action wants Deloitte report into Optus data breach
Ashurst 2023-08-09 1:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action against Optus over a cyberattack that left the data of up to 10 million customers exposed is seeking access to an independent report prepared by Deloitte into the causes of the hack.

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ACCC rejects $4.9B ANZ, Suncorp merger
ANZ 2023-08-04 12:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The ACCC has rejected ANZ’s $4.9 billion acquisition of Queensland-based Suncorp, setting up a likely challenge before the Australian Competition Tribunal.

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