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Peter Dutton drops High Court appeal over ‘rape apologist’ tweet
Appeals 2022-09-27 1:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has dropped a High Court appeal seeking to overturn a Full Court judgment that found a tweet by refugee activist Shane Bazzi labeling him a “rape apologist” was not defamatory.

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Judge nudges AMP to seek dismissal of class action claims
Class Actions 2022-09-26 3:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has suggested that financial services giant AMP bring an application for summary dismissal of part of a class action over allegedly excessive insurance premiums, questioning the basis for the claims.

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Franchisees in class action against Hog’s Breath Cafe lose appeal of $1.2M security order
Class Actions 2022-09-26 11:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A potentially stultifying order for $1.23 million in security for costs in a class action against the Hog’s Breath Cafe restaurant chain has survived a challenge by the franchisees.

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Ex-Blue Star Helium CEO appeals banning order to High Court
Alexander Mossop 2022-09-26 3:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former CEO of Blue Star Helium has asked the High Court to throw out a $40,000 penalty and four-year ban imposed on him after the company failed to disclose to shareholders the identity of the buyer behind a botched sale of Texas oil assets.

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Corelogic wins bid to nix copyright infringement case over data scraping
Bianca Kabel 2022-09-26 4:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has struck out claims accusing Corelogic of unauthorised scraping of confidential information from building information provider BCI Media’s copyright-protected leads platform, finding the case was “defective and deficient in many respects”.

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60 Minutes episode invited ‘condemnation’ of bank boss Peter Schiff, judge finds
Dauid Sibtain 2022-09-23 3:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has found that a 60 Minutes broadcast by Nine, but not a related article, carried defamatory meanings about Euro Pacific Bank boss Peter Schiff, saying the broadcast’s  use of ominous music and shadowy figures invited judgment from viewers.

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Murdoch accuses Crikey of ‘hatred and ridicule’, lobs strike-out application
Clarissa Amato 2022-09-23 12:32 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch has filed a bid to strike out Crikey publisher Private Media’s defence to a defamation suit over an article allegedly linking the media mogul to the US Capital riot, claiming the Australian publisher’s recent public statements directed “hate and ridicule” towards him.

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Pelvic mesh victim who opted out of class action can sue bankrupt Astora
AJB Stevens 2022-09-23 11:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

A woman allegedly injured by a defective pelvic mesh product has won her bid to bring a lawsuit against bankrupt Astora Women’s Health after she opted out of a class action, which promised her no more than $10,000 under a proposed settlement.

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Facebook, Google take aim at cryptocurrency ad class action
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-09-23 3:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Facebook and Google have flagged their intention to seek a stay or declassing order in a class action over a 2018 ban on cryptocurrency ads.

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Lawyer’s autism discrimination claim fails in appeal over loss of practicing certificate
Business of Law 2022-09-23 11:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Queensland lawyer who sold unlawful payday loans through a sham diamond trade has lost a battle to renew his practicing certificate, with an appeals court tossing as baseless his claim that he was the victim of autism discrimination.

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