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Judge accused of ‘very aggressively’ attacking government’s Robodebt defence
Bernard Quinn 2020-06-16 2:30 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has been accused of “very aggressively” raising issues with a barrister for the Federal Government over its failure to amend its defence in a $300 million class action centred on the Commonwealth’s controversial Robodebt scheme to match recent public admissions.

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Ford cars fitted with PowerShift are ‘lemons’, court hears as high-stakes trial revs up
ACCC 2020-06-15 8:27 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Tens of thousands of Ford cars which contain an allegedly defective transmission system are “lemons”, a court heard on day one of a six-week hearing in a long-running class action against the car maker.

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‘These results are not accidental’: GetSwift saw ASX as ‘cheap way’ to boost share price, ASIC says
Alan Shearer 2020-06-15 6:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

Émails show the directors of logistics company GetSwift took a “deliberate approach” to inflating the company’s share price through a constant supply of positive ASX announcements about new multimillion-dollar contracts, ASIC said on the first day of a highly anticipated five-week trial.

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Judge won’t recuse himself from patent case against Globaltech, Boart Longyear
Adrian Ryan 2020-06-12 10:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has rejected calls by mining tool company Globaltech and driller Boart Longyear to disqualify himself from hearing a patent infringement case against them, despite ruling in an earlier proceeding that the patent was valid and that Globaltech had infringed it.

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Litigation funder wins access to docs in parking patent dispute against City of Melbourne
Andrew McRobert 2020-06-12 9:19 pm By Miklos Bolza

The funder backing a patent lawsuit by tech firm Vehicle Management Systems over an invention used by the City of Melbourne to time parked vehicles has been granted extended access to discovered documents in the proceedings.

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Former Beem It boss drops lawsuit against payments fintech, CBA
CBA 2020-06-12 12:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

The former CEO of Beem It has discontinued her legal claims against the payments fintech co-owner, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, only days after naming the bank in her lawsuit alleging workplace breaches.

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Judge appoints receiver, not liquidator to hotel to avoid COVID-19 misunderstanding
Coronavirus 2020-06-12 12:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

To avoid a creditor panic in the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis, the NSW Supreme Court has appointed a receiver instead of a liquidator to a rural hotel that is the centre of a deadlocked shareholder dispute over more than $2.7 million.

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‘Blatant and disgraceful’: Lawyer who stole from clients gets 6 years in prison
Justice John Champion 2020-06-11 5:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has sentenced a Melbourne-based lawyer to six years in prison for stealing and misusing over $1.7 million in client funds, saying his conduct had “brought the legal profession into disrepute”.

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Insurer may get dragged into pelvic mesh class action
AJB Stevens 2020-06-11 12:46 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A class action brought against three medical device manufacturers and a disgraced former doctor on behalf of thousands of women who claim to have suffered lifelong complications from pelvic mesh implants is seeking to add the doctor’s medical insurance company to the proceedings.

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Employsure files lawsuit seeking docs ahead of ACCC trial
ACCC 2020-06-11 12:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

Employsure has made an eleventh hour courtroom bid to access documents held by the Fair Work Ombudsman, just days before trial is due to commence in ACCC proceedings alleging the workplace relations company engaged in unconscionable conduct towards small business clients.

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