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Janssen to expand patent case against Juno over generic HIV drug
Angela McDonald 2020-07-01 4:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

Drug manufacturer Janssen wants to expand its high stakes case against Juno Pharmaceuticals over its HIV drug Prezista, alleging Juno’s plans to launch a generic version of the drug threaten another one of its patents.

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Telstra must give Siemens identity details of potential copyright infringers
Harris & Company 2020-06-30 8:39 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Telstra has been ordered to provide technology company Siemens Industry Software with all documents relating to the identity of account holders who may have infringed Siemens’ copyright.

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Hytera can’t claim Motorola purposefully delayed notification of source code theft
Angus Lang 2020-06-30 5:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has rejected new evidence sought to be advanced by Hytera Communications in its IP battle with Motorola that Motorola deliberately delayed notifying Hytera of possible theft of its source code because it wanted to improve its market position.

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Dentons can’t block use of info from its class action in latest toxic foam case by Shine
Alicia Lyons 2020-06-30 4:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Shine Lawyers has been given the go ahead to use two reports produced in three settled PFAS class actions as evidence in its latest case over the Defence Department’s firefighting foam, with a judge saying any implied undertaking not to re-use the material lost force when the information became public.

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Mayfair 101 founder denies troubled fund a Ponzi scheme
ASIC 2020-06-30 4:26 pm By Miklos Bolza

The embattled founder of Mayfair 101 investment group has denied allegations that its $80 million IPO Wealth fund is a failed Ponzi scheme as he fights the appointment of a provisional liquidator to the fund.

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Mark Elliott’s bank records sought in Banksia class action fee dispute
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-06-30 4:17 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A contradictor investigating alleged professional misconduct on the part of the legal team and funder behind a class action against failed Banksia Securities will subpoena the bank records of deceased class action lawyer and funder Mark Elliott and associated companies. Meanwhile, the barrister for the lead applicant has returned her brief on the eve of trial, on the advice of the bar ethics committee.

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Opal Tower apartment owners file lawsuit against NSW Government
Barry Nilsson Lawyers 2020-06-29 11:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Owners of units in Sydney’s Opal Tower have filed a lawsuit against the NSW Government and builder Icon after allegedly discovering more than 500 additional defects in the troubled building.

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Court tosses appeal over botched $1.4B Babcock & Brown acquisition
Bernice Ng 2020-06-29 9:27 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A private investment fund has failed again in its bid for damages from collapsed global advisory firm Babcock & Brown over a botched $1.4B acquisition of a US-based laundry equipment provider.

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Sequenom’s ‘incorporeal’ prenatal genetic test unpatentable, Ariosa tells Full Court
Adrian Ryan 2020-06-29 9:12 pm By Miklos Bolza

Ariosa Diagnostics is fighting to revoke a patent for noninvasive prenatal test owned by Sequenom, arguing it merely describes how to extract “incorporeal” genetic information that is naturally found within the DNA of an unborn foetus.

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Judge scolds law firms behind competing Boral class actions
Alicia Lyons 2020-06-29 8:33 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has scolded the law firms behind competing shareholder class actions against Boral for delaying progress of the proceedings, but may wait until the High Court’s ruling on the AMP class action beauty parade before deciding which of three potential class actions should move forward.

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