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Investment scheme wound up after ‘systematic misappropriation’ of $7M in funds
April Freeman 2020-07-28 9:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has granted ASIC’s bid to wind up an illegal managed investment scheme whose operators fled to India following the “systematic misappropriation” of almost $7 million in investor funds.

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Telstra sues Optus over ‘more than ever before’ ad campaign
Clayton Utz 2020-07-28 5:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

Telstra has filed a lawsuit accusing Singtel Optus of breaching the Australia Consumer Law through ads that claim it is “covering more of Australia than ever before”.

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iSignthis lawsuit fails to plead how ASX caused $27M in losses, court finds
Brendan Lim 2020-07-28 3:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

A lawsuit by iSignthis seeking over $27 million in damages from the ASX has been sent back for revision, after a judge found the fintech had failed to causally link how a report by the exchange led to lost contracts with five clients.

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Westpac’s anti-money laundering woes worsen
Allens 2020-07-28 1:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Westpac anti-money laundering compliance troubles continue to worsen, with the bank reporting an additional 365,000 incomplete or inaccurate threshold transaction reports to AUSTRAC.

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Lawyer loses sexual harassment appeal after urging court to just think of him as ‘Mr Darcy’
Appeals 2020-07-27 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawyer who argued his conduct towards a paralegal was not sexual harassment but a display of ardent affection akin to ‘Mr Darcy’ in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ has lost his appeal of a $170,000 judgment against him, with the Full Federal Court saying the case was “as far from a Jane Austen novel as it is possible to be”.

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Funder behind Fair Work class actions a ‘litigation bounty hunter’, Full Court hears
Adero Law 2020-07-27 9:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Facing accusations of being a “litigation bounty hunter”, litigation funder Augusta Ventures has made its bid before the Full Federal Court to overturn a landmark ruling which put it on the hook for $3.1 million in security in two Fair Work class actions.

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Banksia class action funder admits court was misled on fees, says commission shouldn’t suffer
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-07-27 5:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder behind the class action over Banksia Securities’ collapse has admitted it misled a costs consultant retained to report to the court on the reasonableness of the fees in the case, but says its commission should not take a hit as a result because the misconduct occurred after the litigation settled against Banksia’s trustee for $64 million.

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Administrators for fashion retailer PAS Group lose battle with landlords over rent
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-07-24 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Administrators for The PAS Group have failed in their bid to have almost $1.4M in rent declared an unsecured debt in the event the fashion retailer goes into liquidation amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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Law firm doesn’t have to hand over client files for potential class action
Class Actions 2020-07-23 9:21 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A national law firm has dodged an application for access to the files of its current and former clients brought by lawyers investigating a possible class action over allegedly excessive legal costs in personal injury litigation.

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James Cook University wins appeal of $1.2M judgment for sacked climate-skeptic professor
Appeals 2020-07-22 11:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has sided with James Cook University in its appeal of a ruling awarding $1.2 million to sacked climate skeptic professor Peter Ridd, saying the academic’s right to express unpopular views was “necessarily constrained”.

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