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Norton Rose wins appeal against sacked partner, but faulted for ‘serious error in judgment’
Appeals 2021-11-26 7:14 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

Law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has won its appeal of a $160,000 judgment in favour of former partner Thomas Martin, with the Full Federal Court finding Martin’s allegations of deceit arose from “an excess of suspicion” and “causal connections of the most tenuous kind”.

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Banksia judge made no allowance for ‘youth and inexperience’ of Mark Elliott’s son, appeal says
Andrew Palmer 2021-11-26 12:48 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The judge who made findings against the son of the mastermind behind the Banksia class action scam may have formed strong views about the 27-year-old’s role before he testified and used the flawed suggestion that he was his father’s right-hand man as an “evidential gap filler”, an appeals court has been told.

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Group costs order not ‘appropriate or necessary’ in G8 shareholder class action, court told
Claire Harris 2021-11-26 9:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge hearing the second ever application for a group costs order in a shareholder class action against early childhood education provider G8 Education has heard she should reject the request because it is not “appropriate or necessary” to ensure justice in the proceeding.

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‘This is ridiculous’: Judge pans Google’s bid for confidentiality in John Barilaro’s case
Ashurst 2021-11-26 2:24 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A bid by Google for a confidentiality undertaking by former NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro over evidence produced in the politician’s defamation case has earned a sharp rebuke by a judge.

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Acciona sues to cancel Kwinana renewable energy plant contract due to COVID-19
Construction 2021-11-25 2:20 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Spanish infrastructure company Acciona has filed a lawsuit to get out of an engineering and construction contract for the $696 million Kwinana waste-to-energy plant in Western Australia, citing disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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‘Not a shred of evidence’: Judge questions appeal in HWL Ebsworth negligence suit
Acting Justice Carolyn Simpson 2021-11-25 9:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has questioned property developer PPK Group’s challenge to the dismissal of its long-running negligence case against HWL Ebsworth over the $25.5 million sale of Crown-owned land in Sydney.

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Melissa Caddick’s parents may face court battle over $2.6M Edgecliff property
ASIC 2021-11-25 4:38 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The parents of accused Sydney fraudster Melissa Caddick may need to bring court proceedings to retain their $2.6 million Edgecliff home and recoup $1.2 million they gave to their daughter for the mortgage.

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ASIC gets time to mull class action’s bid to ring-fence $7.2M Dixon Advisory penalty
ASIC 2021-11-25 1:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A court has delayed a hearing on a bid by the applicant in a class action against Dixon Advisory to freeze a $7.2 million penalty secured by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission against the self-managed superfund provider so the corporate regulator can consider its position on the request.

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Lawyers, funder want 35% cut of $125M Crown class action settlement
Class Actions 2021-11-24 1:26 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The lawyers and funder behind a shareholder class action against Crown Resorts will be asking the court to approve fees and commission worth 35 per cent of a $125 million settlement with the gaming giant, leaving over $81 million for group members.

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Peter Dutton wins $35,000 in defamation damages over ‘rape apologist’ tweet
Baker McKenzie 2021-11-24 1:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Defence minister Peter Dutton has won $35,000 in damages in a defamation case over a tweet accusing him of being a rape apologist, with a judge finding the tweet conveyed that the minister “excuses rape”.

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