A SAS sergeant testifying for Fairfax Media in the Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation trial has admitted he told an investigative reporter the decorated veteran machine-gunned a disabled man during the war in Afghanistan, but insisted everything he said was true.
A court has ordered the winding up of investment manager PE Capital Funds Management, whose responsible entity Endeavour Securities has connections to collapsed financial services company Linchpin Capital.
As parliament weighs the latest Morrison government crackdown on class actions, the Federal Court’s chief judge has warned of “an ever present danger” of maligning the regime.
Forum Finance director Vince Tesoriero has lost a battle to stop receivers from selling luxury properties in which he and Bill Papas hold a stake pending the outcome of Westpac’s fraud case against him.
The first order allowing plaintiffs lawyers to take a cut of the proceeds of a class action will guarantee group members in a case against G8 Education at least 72.5 per cent of any recoveries — a notably higher percentage than the minimum legislated by a controversial bill before federal parliament.
Macpherson Kelley is headed for trial next week in a case that alleges the law firm bungled the execution of a 10-year lease agreement with Shell for a service station in Melbourne, giving the energy giant an extra 320 square metres equating to $2.5 million in lost rent for its landlord client.
The parties in a class action accusing a Commonwealth Bank of Australia unit of breaching its superannuation trustee duties want the matter to be heard in person and are willing to foot the bill for the judge to travel to Sydney to make it happen.
IP Australia has quashed an extension for a patent covering a Bayer oral contraceptive, saying the extension should have been calculated based on a drug that was included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods at an earlier date.
It was common knowledge that SAS soldiers sought the retraction of a “bulls–t” commendation awarded to war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith for acts of bravery in Afghanistan in 2012, a trial in a defamation case against Fairfax has heard.
The corporate watchdog has been subpoenaed for its investigation files in the latest development in a protracted discovery fight in a shareholder class action over alleged misconduct by wealth manager IOOF.