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Insurer denies policy covered ‘excessive’ $3.7M Moray & Agnew settlement
Chief Justice James Allsop 2022-03-11 1:32 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Lloyd’s syndicate has hit back at a lawsuit by Moray & Agnew, saying it did not have to cover part of a $3.7 million settlement between the law firm and a Melbourne property developer because the amount agreed to was “excessive”.

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TerraCom can’t keep PwC report from ASIC investigators
Accounting 2022-03-11 10:14 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Mining company TerraCom has lost a case seeking to shield a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which is investigating claims current and former executives falsified coal quality results.

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Lloyd’s scores win in COVID-19 business interruption insurance case
Clayton Utz 2022-03-11 3:14 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Lloyd’s has scored a win in a COVID-19 business interruption case, with a judge ruling the insurer can rely on a conformity clause in its insurance contract with a Snap Fitness franchisee to deny coverage.

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Flying Eureka Flag at construction sites banned under building code, court finds
ABCC 2022-03-11 9:24 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A court has found that flying flags associated with the Eureka Rebellion or displaying material bearing union mottos and indicia at construction sites contravenes the Building Code.

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High Court to weigh in on patentability of computer-implemented inventions
Appeals 2022-03-10 11:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The High Court has decided to weigh in on whether computer-implemented inventions are eligible for patent protection, granting special leave to Aristocrat Technologies to challenge a judgment that shot down four patents for its popular Lightning Link electronic poker machine.

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Third Nuix class action means beauty parade may be unavoidable
ASIC 2022-03-10 11:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Technology company Nuix has been hit with a third shareholder class action over its troubled $1.8 billion float on the ASX, setting up what is likely to be the first beauty parade in the Supreme Court of Victoria since the state allowed class action lawyers to seek a cut of any settlement or judgment.

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Court won’t let class action parties pay for judge to travel for Sydney trial
Adam Hochroth 2022-03-10 3:41 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The Federal Court won’t permit a Melbourne-based judge to travel to Sydney on the dime of the parties in a class action against wealth management group Colonial First State, but will foot the bill itself.

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Law firm wants bigger slice of $112M Robodebt settlement to cover costs
Australian Government Solicitor 2022-03-10 10:45 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The law firm administering the $112 million Robodebt class action settlement has asked a court to sign off on a $2.2 million bill to cover the full projected costs of distributing the funds, a figure three times the estimate calculated by a costs referee.

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Westpac stalls on extradition of Forum Finance’s Bill Papas
Allens 2022-03-10 5:17 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Westpac has yet to commence extradition proceedings against Forum Finance director Bill Papas due to concerns that the alleged fraudster may face only contempt charges if he is brought back to Australia prematurely.

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AMP to face penalty in ASIC’s fees-for-no-service case
AMP 2022-03-10 3:59 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

AMP has admitted to contraventions and will face a penalty in ASIC proceedings over fees-for-no-service conduct that allegedly led to upwards of $600,000 being unlawfully withdrawn from superannuation member accounts.

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