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WA Attorney General says he made ‘mistakes’ under oath in Clive Palmer trial
Article 2022-03-24 10:21 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

WA Attorney-General John Quigley wants a second go at his trial testimony in a defamation case brought by mining magnate Clive Palmer, admitting he made “mistakes” while giving evidence in the witness box.

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Epic Games resists bid to delay Apple trial while Google catches up
Apple 2022-03-24 6:55 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Epic Games has argued in favour of steaming ahead with a trial in its competition case against Apple while its parallel case against Google remains in the embryonic stage, but the tech giants say Google’s litigation should catch up in the hopes that the court can hear a joint trial or hold contemporaneous hearings.

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SingTel can’t salvage $190,000 in transfer pricing deductions on $14.2B Optus buy
ATO 2022-03-24 4:44 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

SingTel has been blocked from making $190,000 in tax deductions after the Australian Taxation Office won its Federal Court case against the Singaporean teleco over transfer pricing benefits related to the $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus.

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‘Everybody is incredulous’: Silk tells court of surprise at Norman O’Bryan’s fall from grace
Business of Law 2022-03-23 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Commenting on the unprecedented nature of the case against her client — the so-called postbox solicitor in the Banksia Securities class action — a senior barrister has told a court of her shock at the conduct of her former colleague at the bar, Norman O’Bryan, who acted as lead counsel in the scandal-ridden litigation.

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Judge questions if Philips class action ‘appropriately resourced’
Carbone Lawyers 2022-03-23 3:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has questioned whether the lead applicant in a class action over sleep apnea machines with alleged safety defects was “appropriately resourced” to run the case against health tech giant Philips.

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ACCC says agreement to settle Revlimid patent suit could violate cartel laws
ACCC 2022-03-23 2:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The ACCC has refused to authorise a patent settlement and license agreement between Bristol-Myers Squibb unit Celgene and two generic drug makers who sued to invalidate the patents for its blockbuster cancer drug Revlimid, saying it could distort competition between generic drug makers.

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Union planning to upsize rest break cases against McDonald’s
Alex Manos 2022-03-23 10:37 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association has flagged its intent to bring further cases against various McDonald’s franchisees, alongside eleven claims it has brought to date over alleged failures to give workers paid 10-minute breaks.

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Judge clarifies rights of responsible entities to recoup MIS costs
Charles Street 2022-03-23 4:22 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Federal Court judgment has laid out when a responsible entity of a managed investment scheme will be indemnified for its operating costs and when it can recoup legal costs in defending lawsuits brought over trust property.

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High Court to hear Spain’s sovereign immunity claims in $375M arbitration dispute
Appeals 2022-03-23 10:23 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The High Court has agreed to weigh in on whether an Australian court’s recognition of a $375 million international arbitration award against the kingdom of Spain violated the sovereign immunity doctrine.

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Independent candidate Zoe Daniel wins fight against council over yard signs
Adley Burstyner 2022-03-23 6:20 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

In a victory for Victorian independent candidate Zoe Daniel, the state’s Supreme Court has found that promotional signs displayed on lawns did not fall foul of a local council ban on unauthorised displays.

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