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ANZ, Suncorp gear up for fight with ACCC over $4.9B merger
ACCC 2023-09-12 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

A battle with the competition regulator over the proposed ANZ, Suncorp tie-up has begun, with the first clash involving a group of rival lenders that want their submissions to the ACCC kept under lock and key.

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ASIC loses appeal in CBA conflicted remuneration case
Anna Wilson 2023-08-17 10:32 am By Cindy Cameronne

ASIC has lost its challenge to findings that a revenue sharing arrangement between the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and former subsidiary Colonial First State Investments did not breach conflicted remuneration provisions of the Corporations Act.

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Telstra, TPG give up fight over $1.8B network sharing deal
ACCC 2023-08-14 2:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Telstra and TPG will not challenge a decision by the Australian Competition Tribunal to uphold the ACCC’s rejection of their proposed regional network sharing agreement.

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Deloitte’s $2.5M bill in CBA class action holds up settlement approval
CBA 2023-08-04 2:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge asked to approve a $50 million settlement in a consumer credit insurance class action against the Commonwealth Bank has questioned a $2.5 million deduction for professional services firm Deloitte.

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Judge approves ANZ class action settlement, signs off on ATE insurance cost
ANZ 2023-08-02 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

ANZ’s $47 million settlement of a class action over its consumer credit insurance has been given the nod by a judge, who has also approved recovery of the cost of after-the-event insurance held by the law firm running the case.

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Sour grapes as Champagne growers appeal trade mark decision
Appeals 2023-06-27 4:18 pm By Gareth Baker

The French association representing wine producers from Champagne is appealing a recent trade mark loss to an Australian health retailer, claiming a product being sold on Aussie shelves is using its coveted name without assurances it originates from the French region. 

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ACCC’s rejection of $1.8B Telstra, TPG deal stands on appeal
Brendan Lim 2023-06-21 10:22 am By Cindy Cameronne

Telstra and TPG have lost their challenge to the ACCC’s decision refusing authorisation for a $1.8 billion regional network sharing agreement, with the Australian Competition Tribunal finding the deal would increase Telstra’s dominance in the mobile phone market. 

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$29M settlement in Westpac class action gets green light
Allens 2023-06-21 12:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $29 million settlement in a class action against Westpac over ‘junk’ consumer credit insurance, a deal that earns the bank’s customers at least $19.6 million. 

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$47M settlement in ANZ credit insurance class action reasonable, judge says
Allens 2023-06-16 4:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

A $47 million settlement in a class action against ANZ — one of three settlements in a series of class actions against the big banks over ‘junk’ consumer credit insurance — was fair and reasonable, a judge has said.

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Engage Marine can access ACCC docs in competition suit against TasPorts
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2023-05-29 3:37 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has largely granted a bid by port operations provider Engage Marine to obtain copies of restricted documents in the ACCC’s case against TasPorts as it mounts its own case against the government-owned body, despite noting that principles of open justice don’t dictate an “open slather” approach to documents.

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