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Court urged to reject law firm’s contingency fee bid in ANZ, Westpac class actions
ANZ 2021-06-03 10:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Victoria Supreme Court judge weighing for the first time an application by a law firm for a percentage cut of recoveries in class actions has been told to reject the bid because group members would fare better under the firm’s current no win, no fee funding arrangement.

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Fonterra can’t keep company name out of class action website domain
Adley Burstyner 2021-05-28 3:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Dairy co-operative Fonterra has lost a bid to keep the company’s name out of the domain of a website to be set up for a class action brought by farmers alleging they were unlawfully underpaid when Fonterra slashed milk prices and sought a “clawback” in 2016.

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Class actions against Freedom Foods, Deloitte line up for second beauty parade since High Court nod
Alistair Pound 2021-05-20 10:48 pm By Miklos Bolza

The stage is set for a beauty parade of two shareholder class actions against Freedom Foods and Deloitte, and the judge overseeing the cases has embraced the recommendation of the High Court to appoint an independent barrister to represent group members in the contest.

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Crown wants novel oppressive conduct claims struck from shareholder class action
Allens 2021-05-19 10:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

Crown Resorts will fight to strike out allegations in a class action that the casino operator was liable for “oppressive conduct” under the Corporations Act, saying there was no legal basis for making the claims and no articulation by the class as to how the company engaged in the conduct.

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Law firm should rethink putting up own solicitor as expert in group costs order bid, judge says
Catherine Hamilton-Jewell 2021-04-30 12:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing the first ever bid for a group costs order in a class action that will give the plaintiff’s law firm a percentage cut of the proceeds has urged the firm to rethink characterising its own solicitor as an expert.

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‘Just tell us what we did wrong’: KPMG to get more details in Arrium class action
Accounting 2021-04-21 10:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered the applicant in a shareholder class action against former Arrium directors and KPMG over allegedly misleading statements made ahead of Arrium’s $754 million capital raising in 2014 to explain how the amount by which the mining company’s assets were allegedly overvalued was calculated.

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Car dealers slap General Motors with class action for retiring Holden brand
ACCC 2021-04-21 1:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

A group of car dealers has hit a unit of car giant General Motors with a class action for allegedly breaching its contract by retiring the Holden brand in Australia last year.

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Court orders G8 class action plaintiff to remove redaction from costs agreement
Class Actions 2021-04-12 11:00 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has ordered the lead applicant in a shareholder class action against G8 Education to disclose a previously redacted clause of a costs agreement to the childcare centre operator, saying he failed to show how supplying the information would give G8 a tactical advantage in the case.

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ANZ admits flex commission dealers ‘encouraged’ to offer loans with interest above base rate
ANZ 2021-03-30 4:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Banking giant ANZ, which is facing a class action over a flex commissions scheme by its former car finance business, has admitted that the calculation of car dealers’ commission was aimed at encouraging loans with interest above a “base rate”.

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KPMG can’t delay defence in Arrium class action
Accounting 2021-03-24 1:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

A bid by KPMG to push off the filing of its defence in a class action over misleading statements ahead of Arrium’s $754 million capital raising in 2014 has been shot down by a judge, who said the auditor has known the claims against it since November.

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