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Hastie liquidators offer to settle with builders over $124M in unpaid bills
Baker McKenzie 2018-12-07 7:58 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Hastie Group’s liquidators have offered to drop their $124 million case against two dozen major builders if the companies agree to pay an undisclosed sum toward their unpaid bills, a court heard Friday.

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What you need to know about the GetSwift ruling
Analysis 2018-11-21 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The court’s authority to shut down competing class actions is no longer in doubt after Tuesday’s Full Federal Court judgment in the case against GetSwift, and while there is no “silver bullet” when it comes to how judges must deal with multiple proceedings, there are key factors to weigh, the appeals court said. Here, experts provide the big takeaways from the landmark ruling.

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GetSwift judge had power to stay competing class actions, Full Court rules
Appeals 2018-11-20 11:21 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The Full Federal Court has dismissed a challenge to a ruling that chose one of three shareholder class actions to proceed against GetSwift, saying the court had the power to permanently stay competing cases. But an injunction blocking the losing law firms from communicating with clients was going too far, it said.

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GetSwift ruling to offer roadmap for competing class actions
Appeals 2018-11-19 9:18 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A groundbreaking judgment by the Full Federal Court over competing class actions will be handed down Tuesday morning and is expected to give judges much needed guidance on how to move forward when confronted, as they increasingly are, with multiple proceedings over the same alleged misconduct.

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Law firm in showdown with ATO over Black Saturday payouts
Class Actions 2018-11-13 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Maurice Blackburn’s battle with the Australian Taxation Office over a tax bill on class action settlements for thousands of Black Saturday bushfire victims went to court Tuesday, and the landmark case may turn on whether or not the law firm’s administration of the settlement distribution scheme counts as a business.

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Unlockd drops competition case against Google
Ashurst 2018-10-31 10:55 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The administrators of collapsed startup Unlockd have withdrawn the company’s case against Google alleging the search engine giant abused its dominance to keep it out of the digital ad market.

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Hastie liquidators pick two test cases over unpaid bills, but stay bid coming
Baker McKenzie 2018-10-23 12:24 pm By Christine Caulfield Sydney

Liquidators for the collapsed Hastie Group will pursue test cases against two construction companies in their legal fight against more than two dozen major builders over tens of millions of dollars in unpaid bills, but an application is looming to halt the proceedings pending the outcome of a High Court challenge.

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PwC gets court ok to file lawsuit against Vocation
Class Actions 2018-10-19 1:54 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

PriceWaterHouse Coopers has received the green light to launch court action to pursue its cross claims against failed educational training company Vocation.

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Clock’s ticking as Unlockd gets deadline for filing case against Google
Ashurst 2018-10-15 11:15 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Failed digital ad company Unlockd has until the end of the month to set out its competition case against Google or the suit will be thrown out.

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Unique wins appeal of unconscionable conduct ruling
Chief Justice James Allsop 2018-09-19 4:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Full Federal Court has overturned a win for the consumer regulator in a case against Sydney-based Unique International College, ruling that the vocational trainer’s practices for marketing and enrolling students in its diploma courses did not amount to unconscionable conduct.

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