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QBE says infectious disease exclusion applies to COVID-19 claims in Victoria
Allens 2021-09-22 4:58 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

While a first test case in NSW rejected insurers’ interpretation of infectious disease exclusions in COVID-19 business interruption policies, potentially putting the industry on the hook for billions of dollars in claims, QBE says the law is on its side in Victoria.

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Lloyd’s denies ‘incomprehensible’ claims in COVID-19 business interruption class action
Christopher Withers 2021-09-10 3:21 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Insurance giant Lloyd’s has rejected what it calls an “incomprehensible” class action pleading by Australian businesses that argue its business interruption policies should have indemnified them for losses stemming from COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Merck Sharp & Dohme appeals judgment tossing Januvia patent extension
Appeals 2021-09-10 6:04 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Merck Sharp & Dohme is seeking to overturn a judgment refusing an extension of a patent covering its Januvia and Janumet diabetes drugs that would have seen the US drug maker of retaining a monopoly over the multibillion dollar medicines beyond July 2022.

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Allergan wins appeal in Botox trade mark battle
Angus Lang 2021-09-08 5:19 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Botox maker Allergan has successfully challenged a Federal Court judgment dismissing its trade mark lawsuit against an Australian company selling topical creams as an alternative to Botox injections.

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Lockdown didn’t trigger business interruption policy in COVID-19 test case, IAG tells court
Adam Pomerenke 2021-09-06 10:05 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Lockdown orders by the Victorian government and an international travel ban in place last year during the first wave of COVID-19 did not trigger a business interruption clause in an IAG policy at the centre of a test case brought by insurers, a judge heard Monday.

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ACCC must pay costs of NSW as ‘necessary and proper party’ in ports case
ACCC 2021-09-02 3:03 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A judge has ordered the ACCC to pay the State of NSW’s costs in its failed proceeding against NSW Ports, finding that even though the consumer watchdog did not initially sue the state government that it was a “necessary and proper” party to the case.

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Christian Porter wins bid to block media from using secret parts of ABC defence
ABC 2021-08-31 10:41 am By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Liberal MP Christian Porter has won his bid to block Nine and News Corp from using secret portions of ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations that the media giants accessed as intervenors in the former Attorney-General’s case.

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University of Sydney political lecturer wins appeal over swastika dismissal
Appeals 2021-08-31 5:29 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A former University of Sydney political economy lecturer who was fired for conduct that included showing students a slide of a Nazi swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag has won a challenge to a ruling tossing his unlawful termination case.

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Norton Rose Fulbright denies ‘evil intent’ as it fights to overturn ex-partner’s win
Appeals 2021-08-27 6:10 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has rejected findings of dishonesty, deceit and abuse of process in seeking to overturn a $160,000 judgment against it, saying it had no “evil intent” in litigating a long-running dispute with former partner Thomas Martin.

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Norton Rose must face damages with ‘substantial sting’, ex-partner says
Appeals 2021-08-26 7:24 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A former Norton Rose Fulbright partner locked in a six-year legal battle with the firm has urged the Full Court to allow a $160,000 damages award in his favour to be recalculated, saying it did not provide enough “sting”, amounting to just $1,500 per partner.

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