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High Court finds Sandoz infringed Lundbeck’s Lexapro patent
Angus Lang 2022-03-09 4:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has found that Novartis unit Sandoz infringed Danish drug company Lundbeck’s patent for its blockbuster antidepressant Lexapro, but has overturned a ruling that found the generic drug maker owes $26.3 million in damages.

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High Court says ‘direct and far-reaching ramifications’ of contract gives outsider right to relief
Aviation 2022-03-09 9:42 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The High Court has ruled that the “direct and far-reaching ramifications” of a contract between the federal government and Tasmania’s two major airports justifies an order for declaratory relief sought by local councils about the obligation of the airports’ operators to pay rates.

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Reckitt-Benckiser asks High Court to overturn decision on Maxigesic ads
Alastair Vincent 2022-02-03 1:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Consumer goods giant Reckitt-Benckiser is seeking special leave from the High Court to challenge a Full Court judgment that overturned a finding that AFT Pharmaceuticals ads’ for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading.

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Port of Newcastle can charge Glencore higher access fees, High Court rules
ACCC 2021-12-08 6:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Port of Newcastle has largely won its High Court fight with mining giant Glencore over access fees and will now be able to set a higher price for use of the port’s facilities.

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Full Court throws out ‘mistaken’ judgment on AFT’s Maxigesic ads
AFT Pharmaceuticals 2021-12-07 6:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge was “mistaken” to find that AFT Pharmaceuticals’ ads for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading, with the Full Federal Court ruling there was an adequate scientific foundation for the ads’ claims that the drug provided faster, better pain relief than paracetamol and ibuprofen alone.

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Clive Palmer loses High Court battle over right to sue WA for $30B
Australian Government Solicitor 2021-10-13 6:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

Mining magnate Clive Palmer and two of his mining firms have lost a High Court challenge seeking to overturn a Western Australian law which prevented him from suing the state government for $30 billion over mining tenements in the Pilbara.

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Shareholders looking to revive class action say Worley pursued ‘growth stock’ ambitions over accuracy
ACA Lawyers 2021-08-16 9:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Worley crafted the budget behind an allegedly misleading 2014 earnings guidance so that its shares could be rated as a “growth stock”, the Full Court has heard as shareholders seek to revive a failed class action against the engineering company.

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COVID-19 delays judgment in ACCC’s long-running case against private college Phoenix
ACCC 2021-08-06 3:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

Sydney’s ongoing COVID-19 lockdown has created “logistical” difficulties delaying the release of a long awaited judgment in the ACCC’s consumer law case against collapsed private college Phoenix Institute, which was accused of misleading students through the marketing of its courses.

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High Court deals crushing defeat to casual workers
Adero Law 2021-08-04 10:51 am By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has found casual employees who work regular shifts are not entitled to paid annual, personal and compassionate leave under the Fair Work Act, putting the fate of seven class actions by casual miners in question.

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High Court to hear ATO test case over trust income disclaimers
Appeals 2021-04-20 3:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has granted special leave in a test case by the Australian Taxation Office concerning the effectiveness of disclaimers by trust beneficiaries giving up entitlements to trust income and any associated tax obligations.

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