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Judge OKs $42.5M Cash Converters settlement, plaintiffs firm to pocket $12.4M
Class Actions 2020-03-24 2:47 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has signed off on a $42.5 million settlement of a class action against Cash Converters, brought on behalf of consumers that look out personal loans, in a move that will see the plaintiffs firm behind the case pocket $12.4 million.

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On the line: Federal Court keeps wheels of justice turning by telephone
Business of Law 2020-03-20 11:29 am By Christine Caulfield

The Federal Court has updated guidance on its response to the coronavirus outbreak, saying it is working with lawyers to ensure as many hearings listed for the coming months can proceed. And Monday’s calendar, while perhaps lighter than usual, shows multiple matters will be heard as planned — by telephone.

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Six-year delay in judge’s ruling ‘deplorable’, Full Court says in Boral sex harassment case
Appeals 2020-02-20 4:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

Wood products giant Boral Timber has been found vicariously liable for a male worker’s sexual harrassment of a female colleague, with an appeals court overturning a ruling that it said took a judge more than six years to deliver and “regrettably” brought the administration of justice into disrepute.

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Rokt parries blows from Full Court as it looks to save software patent
Advertising 2020-02-10 9:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A landmark ruling granting fintech Rokt’s application for a software patent has come under attack before the Full Federal Court, with the judges expressing skepticism about the invention’s patentability.

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Domain sues startup rival Zango over ‘misleading’ ads
Bradley Allan Love Lawyers 2020-02-06 12:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Online real estate giant Domain has filed a lawsuit against an up-and-coming competitor in the property listings market, alleging the startup’s ads misleadingly claim it will have property listings before any of its rivals.

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Hill & Smith employee who jumped ship to face patent claims
Clayton Utz 2020-01-13 8:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

UK-based company Hill & Smith Holdings has won court approval to expand its patent case against Australia-based Safe Barriers Pty Ltd for allegedly infringing its patented road barrier system to include a former employee who jumped ship to the rival road safety product maker.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2019
Adam Hochroth 2020-01-09 11:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

Companies and other defendants forked over big sums last year to settle more than 20 class actions, with a total of at least $734 million being paid out. Here are the top 10 class action settlements and the law firms and funders that negotiated them. 

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Full Court says Oxworks wrongly awarded extra damages in patent suit
Anthony Franklin 2020-01-09 5:14 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Federal Court has provided clarity around additional damages in patent cases by reducing the penalties liable to be paid by an Australian fencing and gate manufacturer found to have infringed a rival’s patent for a fence base.

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High Court to hear Securency appeal after $65M ‘shabby fraud’ award slashed
Appeals 2019-10-23 4:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has granted a Nigerian agent tricked into terminating his contract with international bank note manufacturer CCL Secure special leave to appeal a Full Federal Court judgment slashing a $65 million award in his favour.

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Full Court shoots down Fortescue’s appeal of native title ruling
Appeals 2019-10-18 9:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mining magnate Andrew Forest’s Fortescue Metals is facing a possible compensation claim after losing its appeal of a ruling that granted native title to to the Yinjibarndi people over a large section of land in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

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