Pacific National has defended a decision by a judge to accept an undertaking and rule against the ACCC in its competition case over the rail operator’s acquisition of a major freight terminal in Queensland, saying the ruling was structured with “commendable judicial economy”.
The judge who dismissed the ACCC’s challenge to Pacific National’s acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland had no power to accept an undertaking by the rail operator as an answer to the competition regulator’s case, an appeals court has been told.
A lawyer for Tasmanian state government owned ports company TasPorts has criticised the ACCC’s first-of-its kind case that alleges it is misusing its market power to stymie competition, saying it isn’t clear what the regulator wants the court to do.
The NSW government has flagged a possible challenge to a class action over Sydney’s $3 billion delayed light rail project as the four-week trial scheduled for June is pushed back another year to allow time for more discovery.
Three Sydney commercial landlords whose properties were compulsorily acquired to make way for the WestConnex project have come to the end of the road in their fight for $56.5 million in compensation, with the High Court refusing to hear their case.
A division of the CFMEU has criticised a court ruling barring members from industrial action against stevedoring giant DP World Australia Group, calling it an “alarming attack on democratic rights”.
The CFMEU is facing a lawsuit by four units of DP World Australia Group after refusing to accept the terms of four proposed enterprise agreements unless the stevedoring giant guaranteed it would not automate its terminals.
Jet builder Bombardier has lost its appeal of a ruling by the Western Australia Supreme Court that it has jurisdiction to hear a multimillion dollar case brought by the company of WA billionaire Tim Roberts over the sale of aircraft to wealthy Australians.
UK-based company Hill & Smith Holdings has won court approval to expand its patent case against Australia-based Safe Barriers Pty Ltd for allegedly infringing its patented road barrier system to include a former employee who jumped ship to the rival road safety product maker.
Uber has failed to put the brakes on a massive class action alleging the ride-sharing giant engaged in a conspiracy to steal business from taxi and limousine drivers across four states.