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UniLodge targeted in underpayments class action investigation
Adero Law 2021-12-13 7:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Unilodge Australia faces a potential class action alleging the student housing agency shortchanged staff by paying them under the wrong award.

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Training college AIPE hit with record $153M penalty for ‘unconscionable’ enrolment system
ACCC 2021-12-03 1:04 pm By Miklos Bolza

Collapsed NSW training company Australian Institute of Professional Education has been slugged with a $153 million penalty, the highest ever fine in a consumer law case, after the Federal Court found the school targeted vulnerable students through an “unconscionable” enrolment system.

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Judge makes first class action order giving law firm cut of proceeds
Claire Harris 2021-12-02 10:24 am By Cindy Cameronne

Saying the funding arrangement would eliminate the possibility that legal costs ate up the majority of any return to group members, a judge overseeing a shareholder case against G8 Education has issued the first ever group costs order in a class action.

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Judge weighs exemption from Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for 134 workers
Construction 2021-11-03 8:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A group of 134 workers in healthcare, education and construction have argued a judge should grant them a temporary exemption from Victoria’s direction mandating essential employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 to work outside their homes.

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High Court tosses appeal of sacked climate-skeptic professor
Ben Jellis 2021-10-13 7:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has thrown out sacked climate skeptic professor Peter Ridd’s appeal of his dismissal by James Cook University, finding protection of intellectual freedom is not a “general freedom of speech”.

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Vic teachers file legal challenge to ‘no jab, no job’ policy
Coronavirus 2021-10-01 10:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The state of Victoria is facing a legal challenge to its plan to require all school and childcare staff in the state to receive two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine before December.

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Judge to hear second group costs order bid in G8 shareholder class action
Class Actions 2021-09-23 1:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Victoria Supreme Court judge will hear the second ever application for a group costs order in a shareholder class action against G8 Education, saying she hoped to deal with the bid in a “straightforward way”.

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Government hit with underpayments class action by postgrad research candidates
Class Actions 2021-09-23 5:27 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An ancient history academic and lawyer has filed a class action against the federal government, claiming he and other postgraduate research candidates were underpaid by major Australian universities.

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Judge slams ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ approach to Fair Work claims
Catherine Bembrick 2021-09-23 6:46 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge hearing a $2 million dispute between a former tenured professor and the University of New South Wales has lamented the lengthy pleadings filed in Fair Work cases, saying “everything but the kitchen sink seems to be thrown in, without any discrimination”.

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University of Sydney political lecturer wins appeal over swastika dismissal
Appeals 2021-08-31 5:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former University of Sydney political economy lecturer who was fired for conduct that included showing students a slide of a Nazi swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag has won a challenge to a ruling tossing his unlawful termination case.

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