The son of the funder behind a class action at the centre of scandalous misconduct claims says he would have sought advice from a family friend if he had realised his father and counsel leading the case were misleading the court to inflate their profits from a $64 million settlement.
The High Court will not hear cleaning services giant Spotless Group’s challenge to a ruling that found it must pay redundancy entitlements to a group of workers it sacked.
Women’s fashion designer Pinnacle Runway has cut its losses and dropped its challenge to a ruling that found a rival’s use of the name ‘Delphine’ to describe a bikini style did not constitute trade mark infringement, after a judge hit the company with indemnity costs for pursuing the ‘ill-advised’ lawsuit.
Solicitor Alex Elliott has said it never clicked with him that members of the legal team running the Banksia class action were misleading an appeals court when his father — the mastermind behind the alleged deception — told him to sign cheques for lawyers that they could not cash.
The prefab concrete specialist behind Sydney’s Opal Tower has appealed a ruling letting its insurers off the hook to pay costs in advance incurred in defending cross-claims in two lawsuits over the ill-fated tower.
The funder accused of a fraudulent scheme to pocket inflated fees from the Banksia Securities class action produced less than 200 documents to the contradictor in the case and invented a story about a routine email purging practice to explain the discovery hole, a court has heard.
Three media companies have been granted special leave by the High Court to challenge a finding that they could be held liable for allegedly defamatory remarks left under news articles they posted on Facebook.
A sacked Norton Rose Fulbright partner is challenging a $160,000 award handed down by a judge who found the law firm intentionally deceived him in litigation over his dismissal, arguing the sum is “manifestly inadequate”.
The ACCC has reached the end of the line in its challenge to Pacific National’s $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, with the High Court dismissing the competition regulator’s application to take up the appeal.
The columnist behind two allegedly defamatory Australian Financial Review articles has told the court that he believed former Blue Sky managing director Dr Elaine Stead was “cretinously stupid” because of her “astonishingly ridiculous” behavior on social media at the time of the company’s collapse.