Seven Network has appealed a ruling that revoked its 7NOW trade mark for non-use in a victory for convenience chain 7-Eleven as it seeks to expand its presence in Australia.
The Full Court has held a Sydney Trains driver who worked the morning after blowing over four times the legal limit is entitled to a rehearing, finding the Fair Work Commission failed to properly consider a section of its own founding legislation.
Tech company Vehicle Management Systems has won a long-running patent infringement dispute with rival SARB over a sensor-based system the City of Melbourne uses for timing parked vehicles.
The Russian Federation has taken its fight with the federal government over its plans to build a new embassy in Canberra to the High Court.
A class action on behalf of women injured by alleged defective pelvic mesh will not advise group members the estimated average return from the proceeds of a settlement against defunct device manufacturer TFS’ insurer because it would be “cruel”.
Casino operator Crown Resorts has agreed to backpay employees more than $1.2 million, after the company notified the Fair Work Ombudsman that it had underpaid workers at its Melbourne and Perth locations for almost six years.
A New South Wales developer will mount a challenge to a Full Court decision that tossed the ACCC’s competition case against NSW Ports over an agreement to privatise two ports, arguing the majority ruling was “plainly wrong”.
A court has ordered the estate of Frank Wilson, founder of failed sandalwood producer Quintis, to be sequestered in a claim brought by Quintis subsidiary Arwon to recover an unpaid $15 million debt.
The Human Rights Law Centre has been given the go ahead to intervene as amicus curiae in the case of ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle, after a March ruling that the former debt collection officer could not rely on statutory whistleblower protections
A litigation funder whose cut of a $98 million settlement in franchise class actions against 7-Eleven was slashed in half is challenging a judge’s finding that “strong reasons” exist to refuse it a common fund order.