The Full Court has rejected class action claims that the age pension discriminates against Indigenous Australians because of differences in life expectancy.
BHP in-house labour hire provider Operations Services has filed for special leave to appeal to the High Court a finding that it unlawfully required its coal miners to work on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
A former accounts and office manager has resolved her case against class action firm Bannister Law alleging she was required to work while on leave and was fired after complaining about bullying.
Former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has filed an appeal after he lost his defamation case against Nine-owned Fairfax in a ruling that found he committed murder in Afghanistan and was not a reliable witness.
Willis Australia has won an appeal against its landlord, AMP Capital, with a court ruling the insurance broker is entitled to withdraw notice it gave in December 2019 to renew its office lease.
Hancock Prospecting can’t challenge an order that documents produced in arbitration are fair game, as the mining company’s chief, Gina Rinehart, battles her children in a trial over ownership of a valuable tenement set to start Monday.
A Sydney solicitor has lost a 10-year-old dispute with a former client over fees, after unsuccessfully claiming a cost assessor’s conduct in issuing multiple preliminary cost certificates ran afoul of the Legal Profession Act.
Chinese radio manufacturer Hytera has launched an appeal of a ruling that it misappropriated the source code of US mobile phone giant Motorola in a case of “substantial industrial theft”.
Infant formula maker Care A2 Plus has lost a bid for a freezing order against the former chief financial officer of Sports Flick as it appeals a finding she had no involvement in a fellow executive’s “deceitful” scheme over a $5 million World Cup streaming deal.
The NSW Labor Party has agreed to drop its case against law firm Holding Redlich for providing allegedly negligent advice over a $100,000 illegal cash donation delivered in an Aldi shopping bag.