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ASIC pares claims against Westpac on eve of trial
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-05-03 11:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has narrowed its case against Westpac ahead of a high-stakes trial over the bank’s alleged violations of lending laws, striking claims that certain home loans were unsuitable for consumers.

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Maurice Blackburn says it can deliver the goods in BHP class action
Appeals 2019-05-02 10:34 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Law firm Maurice Blackburn has fired its opening salvo in a high-stakes appeal of a judge’s decision rejecting its class action against BHP over the Brazilian dam failure, saying the ruling deprived group members of pocketing higher net returns on any recovery and of choosing a more experienced firm to run the case for them.

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Property developers accused of ‘gaming the system’ at GST class action trial
Class Actions 2019-05-01 10:58 pm By Amelia Birnie Sydney

Multiple Canberra property developers have been accused of deliberately trying to avoid repaying GST to home buyers at the outset of a class action trial involving almost 500 apartment owners.

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Hanson-Young defends TV comment that ‘men behave like morons and pigs’
Defamation 2019-04-30 5:57 pm By Amelia Birnie Sydney

Facing cross-examination on the second day of her defamation hearing against former Senator David Leyonhjelm, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young denied she suggested all men were collectively responsible for violence against women when she said “men behave like morons and like pigs” in a television interview.

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High Court refuses special leave to losing GetSwift class action
Appeals 2019-04-18 10:48 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The battle over competing shareholder class actions against logistics tech company GetSwift is over, with the High Court rejecting a bid by one of the losing class action applicants to take another look at their case.

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Energy company director kicked off board for missing too many meetings files appeal
Appeals 2019-04-16 9:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A director of an energy company who was kicked off the board for missing too many meetings has filed an appeal of a ruling dismissing his case over delays in complying with court requests after his lawyer from Maddocks withdrew from the case due to late payments.

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Rugby League stand-down rule ‘draconian’, court hears at Jack de Belin trial
Employment 2019-04-15 3:31 pm By Christine Caulfield Sydney

An Australian Rugby League Commission rule barring St George Illawarra Dragons forward Jack de Belin from taking the field is “draconian” and “unfair”, a court has heard at the beginnig of a three day trial challenging the ‘no-fault’ rule.

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Geoffrey Rush wins defamation case against Daily Telegraph publisher
Ashurst 2019-04-11 3:12 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Actor Geoffrey Rush has been awarded at least $850,000 in damages after taking Nationwide News to court alleging it defamed him by tainting him as a sexual predator, with the judge calling the publisher’s conduct “improper and unjustified”.

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ATO wins appeal over share sale by Cayman Islands-based private equity funds
Appeals 2019-04-03 9:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

An appeals court has sided with the tax office in a dispute against two corporate limited partnerships formed in the Cayman Islands, finding that ATO tax assessments issued for the sale of shares in global mining company Talison Lithium were valid and correct.

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Airservices managers left worse off under individual contracts, class action trial hears
Adero Law 2019-04-02 9:31 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Lawyers for a class action against the Federal Government-owned Airservices told a court Tuesday that higher salaries on individually negotiated management contracts did not leave managers better off than they would have been under relevant collective enterprise agreements.

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