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Family tries again for cut of Malaysia Airlines class action settlement
Appeals 2019-09-18 12:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The family of an Australian national who was killed aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 is challenging a ruling that blocked it from participating in a recent class action settlement.

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Workpac wants stay of class actions amid looming Full Court ruling on casuals
Adero Law 2019-09-18 11:59 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Labour hire company Workpac is seeking to stay two class actions over leave entitlements allegedly owed coal miners, amid a looming judgment from the Full Federal Court that will clarify the definition of casual employees.

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High Court to hear wrongful death case over Queensland airplane crash
Appeals 2019-09-17 6:10 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Two Australian companies have won their application for special leave to the High Court as they continue their fight to shut down a wrongful death case in the US brought by the families of 15 people killed in an aircraft crash near Lockhart River in northern Queensland in May 2005.

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High Court asked to take up personal leave case after shift workers’ victory
Ai Group Workplace Lawyers 2019-09-16 9:40 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The Federal Government wants the High Court to weigh in on a landmark ruling last month that found food manufacturing giant Mondelez was short-changing its Tasmanian shift workers on their personal leave entitlements under the Fair Work Act.

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High Court takes up appeal in class action by Scenic Tours cruise passengers forced to bus it
Appeals 2019-09-13 11:06 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The lead applicant in a class action by passengers of Scenic Tours luxury European river cruises who were forced to take the bus has partially won a bid for the High Court to hear an appeal of a mixed ruling on liability in the case.

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High Court rejects council’s appeal bid in Walla Walla tip fire class action
Acting Justice Ronald Sackville 2019-09-13 10:32 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The High Court has cleared the way for victims of a rubbish tip fire that tore through 17,000 acres of farmland in the NSW Riverina to claim more than $20 million in damages in a class action, after rejecting an appeal bid by the local council.

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Full Federal Court declines to clarify standard for patentability of computer-implemented inventions
Angus Lang 2019-09-13 10:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A five-judge panel of the Full Federal Court has found two innovation patents by financial software company Encompass Corp. are not a manner of manufacture, but held back on providing more clarity on the test for the patentability of computer-implemented inventions.

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Otsuka changes tack in Abilify patent case after landmark Wyeth ruling
Allens 2019-09-11 8:49 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Otsuka Pharmaceuticals and Bristol Myers-Squibb are seeking to withdraw admissions in patent litigation against Generic Health over anti-psychotic drug Abilify, following a landmark ruling last year against Wyeth that clarified the issue of compensation under the usual undertaking for damages in pharmaceutical patent cases.

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ASIC to challenge ‘uncertainty’ of Westpac responsible lending decision
Appeals 2019-09-10 9:07 pm By Amelia Birnie Sydney

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has filed an appeal against the Federal Court’s responsible lending ruling in favour of Westpac, arguing the decision had created uncertainty around the obligations of credit providers.

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Hytera takes another shot at defending Motorola theft claims
Appeals 2019-09-09 2:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Hytera will take another shot at winning court approval to amend its defence so it can blame Motorola for not alerting it to the alleged theft of the US telco’s source code by former employees sooner.

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