Chemical giant BASF has dropped a lawsuit against Lubrizol Corporation challenging proposed amendments to a fuel additive patent.
The National Tertiary Education Union has asked a court for permission to intervene in support of sacked physics professor and climate skeptic Peter Ridd as he fights James Cook University’s appeal of a $1.2 million judgment against it.
Imposing an injunction in general form against a patent infringer is not an undue burden in and of itself, the Full Federal Court has ruled in siding with printer giant Seiko Epson in its ongoing intellectual property fight with cartridge reseller Calidad.
Supermarket giant Coles has lost an appeal over $40 million in tax credits it had claimed for fuel that evaporated or leaked from tanks at its service stations, after a judge described the supermarket giant’s argument as “artificial”.
IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees has been hit with an $80.6 million judgment after breaching its duty as trustee in the sale of a 42,000 hectare timber plantation by collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group, and it can’t pass the liability on to Spark Helmore, despite the law firm’s inadequate advice.
A group of Sydney commercial landlords whose properties were compulsorily acquired for the WestConnex project have lost an appeal seeking $56.5 million in compensation, after the Valuer-General offered them just over half that amount.
Explosives maker Dyno Nobel has reached a mid-trial settlement in its case against its major rival, Orica, over a patent for a method for blasting rock at open cut mines.
The judge overseeing competing employment class actions on behalf of casual coal miners against WorkPac has ordered the law firms running the cases to consider a proposal to jointly run the proceedings.
US prenatal genetic test maker Ariosa Diagnostics has won its bid to appeal a ruling that its Harmony test infringed a patent owned by rival Sequenom.
James Cook University has followed through on its promise to appeal a $1.2 million judgment awarded against it for the unfair dismissal of physics professor and climate skeptic Peter Ridd.