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Christian Porter wins bid to block media from using secret parts of ABC defence
ABC 2021-08-31 10:41 am By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Liberal MP Christian Porter has won his bid to block Nine and News Corp from using secret portions of ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations that the media giants accessed as intervenors in the former Attorney-General’s case.

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Law firm close to filing Blue Sky class action, partner says
Andrew Crowe 2021-08-30 5:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A shareholder class action against defunct fund manager Blue Sky Investments and others will be filed by the end of the year, Lawyerly has learned.

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Domino’s class action reluctant to be class closure ‘guinea pig’
Class Actions 2021-08-30 3:21 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A judge has again suggested the Full Court should weigh in on whether the court has the power to make class closure orders, but the barrister for the applicant in an underpayments class action against Domino’s Pizza told the judge her client may not want to be the test case.

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Bluescope’s defence in ACCC case would ‘eviscerate’ cartel laws, trial told
ACCC 2021-08-30 9:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Steel maker Bluescope’s claim that it didn’t engage in cartel conduct because it only encouraged distributors to set a price for its products would “eviscerate” cartel laws, the ACCC has told a court.

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Liberal MP Andrew Laming sues Nine over ‘accusatory and spiteful’ coverage of upskirt photo
Company Giles 2021-08-30 5:52 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Queensland Liberal MP Andrew Laming has sued Nine Network for defamation over a Nine News segment which alleged that he took a photograph of a female employee bending over at a Brisbane landscaping yard.

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YouTuber Jordan Shanks tries to revive truth defence in Barilaro defamation case
Appeals 2021-08-30 11:14 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

YouTube star Jordan Shanks has appealed a judgment that gutted his truth defence to defamation claims by NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro, finding parliamentary privilege protected the politician in the face of a truth defence to some allegations.

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Seven wins pre-case docs from Cricket Australia in battle over summer broadcast
Albert Dinelli 2021-08-27 4:28 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Cricket Australia must hand over documents to Seven West Media as the TV network weighs potential legal action for damages against the league over the quality of the 2020-2021 summer cricket season.

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Judge freezes Forum Finance director’s worldwide assets
Catherine Hamilton-Jewell 2021-08-27 5:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has expanded a freezing order over assets owned by Forum Finance director Vincenzo Tesoriero to include property outside Australia, including a yacht in Miami dubbed “XOXO”, after Westpac raised concerns about non-disclosure.

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7-Eleven willing to negotiate with Seven over 7NOW trade mark, court hears
7-Eleven 2021-08-27 12:48 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

7-Eleven has told a court it is willing to negotiate a deal with Seven over the 7NOW logo, a trade mark the TV network recently lost after a successful challenge by the convenience store chain.

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CBA slams class action’s ‘shameless’ attempt to obtain CEO’s emails
CBA 2021-08-26 2:13 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has slammed an attempt by a class action to “trawl through” its Chief Executive Officer’s emails in search of correspondence regarding it decision to rebate commissions grandfathered by the Future of Financial Advice reforms.

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