The New Zealand arms of ANZ and the Commonwealth Bank have been hit with a multimillion dollar class action alleging they have failed to repay fees and interest wrongly charged to 150,000 customers who took out home or personal loans with the banks.
Two former Honda dealers have won a bid for preliminary discovery against Honda Australia to pursue a potential consumer lawsuit over the car maker’s decision earlier this year to abandon a dealership model in Australia.
Logistics company GetSwift’s settlement of a shareholder class action will see group members share in $1.5 million cash plus access to further funds and revenue raised by the company over a three-year period.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says it should be given more power to regulate the $9.5 billion advertising technology sector, after a report revealed Google’s overwhelming dominance could lead to consumers paying more for advertised goods.
A judge overstepped in throwing out a class action against two National Australia Bank units over alleged MySuper mismanagement because of a carveout in the Victorian Supreme Court Act which bars class actions involving trust property, an appeals court has heard.
A judge hearing a price-fixing case against steel giant BlueScope has overruled an objection to the ACCCs barrister’s allegedly excessive “eye-rolling” and “scathing and sarcastic” manner during a cross-examination in which the company’s general manager was accused of lying under oath.
A retired financial planner has filed a lawsuit accusinf AMP of using “unfair tactics” to avoid coughing up close to a million dollars allegedly owed under a buyout option exercised in November 2019.
Apple has been hit with a lawsuit alleging iPhone and iPad devices sold in Australia since at least 2014 and equipped with Touch and Face ID technology infringe two patents held by a non-practicing entity.
Pharmaceutical giants Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Pfizer have resolved a long-running intellectual property dispute over a 2015 patent owned by Pfizer for a pneumococcal vaccine.
Nine Network, Seven Network and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation have won a temporary injunction barring the Civil Aviation Safety Authority from declaring the area above the Melbourne CBD to be a restricted area in response to anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests that have disrupted the city.