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Silk’s case against Telstra over loss of chambers’ phone numbers discontinued
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-14 2:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

A senior barrister’s case alleging Telstra falsely promised he could keep his chambers’ phone numbers when switching to the NBN has been discontinued.

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Dell cops $10M penalty for misleading customers about discounts
ACCC 2023-08-14 1:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

Dell Australia has been ordered to pay a $10 million penalty for making false and misleading representations about the discount prices of add-on computer monitors.

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Ousted partner claims he was defamed by PwC amid tax leaks crisis
Accounting 2023-08-11 11:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A PricewaterhouseCoopers partner may launch defamation proceedings against the professional services firm over two press releases which he says falsely linked him to a tax leaks scandal in an attempt to “offer scapegoats” to the public. 

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In ‘significant’ ruling, CuDeco class action wins access to full KPMG audit report
Accounting 2023-08-11 12:39 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has ordered KPMG to turn over its complete audit files for CuDeco in a shareholder class action against the defunct mining company’s former company directors and the accounting firm over allegedly misleading statements about the value of ore reserves at CuDeco’s Rocklands mines in Queensland.

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PwC partner wins lawsuit over forced departure
Company Giles 2023-08-11 10:47 am By Cindy Cameronne

A PricewaterhouseCoopers partner has won his lawsuit against the professional services firm over his forced dismissal, with a judge finding the decision breached a partnership agreement and that the firm had acknowledged the partner did not misuse confidential ATO information.

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AMP sets aside $50M for BOLR class action as it mulls appeal
AMP 2023-08-10 11:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

AMP has set aside $50 million in its financial statement for the first half of 2023 to cover potential liability in a class action won last month by financial advisers over the wealth manager’s buyer of last resort policy.

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IAG employee not unfairly sacked after WFH activity tracked
Employment 2023-08-09 1:37 pm By Sam Matthews

The Fair Work Commission has found that insurer IAG did not unfairly dismiss a veteran employee after a company review of her at-home cyber activity revealed extensive periods of “no or minimal keyboard activity”.

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Class action wants Deloitte report into Optus data breach
Ashurst 2023-08-09 1:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action against Optus over a cyberattack that left the data of up to 10 million customers exposed is seeking access to an independent report prepared by Deloitte into the causes of the hack.

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Downer class actions transferred to Victoria Supreme Court
Class Actions 2023-08-08 11:37 pm By Sam Matthews

The Federal Court has granted a bid by plaintiffs in competing class actions against Downer EDI to transfer their cases to the Victoria Supreme Court, where a four-way contest will take place.

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Roberts-Smith wants judge to recuse himself from deciding if OSI can see evidence
Arthur Moses 2023-08-07 1:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Ben Roberts-Smith has argued a judge should recuse himself from deciding if the Office of the Special Investigator can access his defamation court file, arguing the public might think he was biased and wanted to “further” his findings that the former SAS corporal committed war crimes.  In a case management hearing on Monday, Arthur Moses…

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