Supermarket giant Woolworths can recoup losses from a 2014 train derailment in South Australia despite a contractual clause excluding force majeure events, the NSW Supreme Court has found.
A judge has dismissed an application by Domino’s Pizza to strike out the pleadings in a class action accusing the pizza giant of making misleading and deceptive representations to franchisees which caused drivers to be underpaid.
A former Telstra employee has lost her challenge to a ruling which denied her workers compensation for a hip injury suffered after a night out during a work trip, finding it did not arise out of her employment simply because it took place at the hotel booked by the telco.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has won access to communications between a Chinese lender and its lawyers at Baker McKenzie in a legal stoush over a failed bid to launch the first Chinese bank incorporated in Australia.
Nine has agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit by former Liberal leader John Hewson alleging a report by A Current Affair about his insurance firm was gratuitous and “seriously dishonest”.
Swiss drug giant Novartis has secured an injunction temporarily blocking drug maker Pharmacor from launching a generic version of the company’s top-selling MS drug Gilenya in Australia.
A judge has found that a clause in Apple’s agreement with developers requires that Fortnite game developer Epic Games litigate a closely watched competition lawsuit against the tech giant on its home turf.
Phi Finney McDonald will amend its funding agreement with Therium in a shareholder class action against Boral after a judge found that an irrevocable opt out provision placed the law firm in a “manifest position of conflict”.
A Johnson & Johnson unit wants the High Court to review the Full Federal Court’s rejection of its challenge to a landmark class action ruling that found the company’s pelvic mesh implants were defective and that it failed to adequately warn about their risks.
Maurice Blackburn has brought a second class action against two NAB units over $6.3 billion in super funds, after the law firm’s first attempt was shut down by a state court as invalid.