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Thomson Geer strengthens media team by snapping up News Corp lawyer
Intellectual Property 2021-06-22 9:13 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Law firm Thomson Geer has bolstered the ranks of its media team with the recruitment of News Corp senior litigation counsel Marlia Saunders to its Sydney office.

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Judge orders tweak to CBA insurance rort class action
Allens 2021-06-22 5:20 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The lead applicants in a class action against two CBA units over allegedly excessive insurance premiums have been ordered to amend their pleadings to expand the group definition and add more detail to their claims.

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Judge slams ABC for ‘inadvisible’ redactions in court battle over The Checkout
ABC 2021-06-22 2:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has criticised the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for “ill advised” redactions in documents produced in a dispute between the producers of the consumer affairs television series The Checkout.

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Ben Roberts-Smith admits to owning glass replica of prosthetic leg
Arthur Moses 2021-06-21 11:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Ben Roberts-Smith has admitted that he owns a glass replica of the prosthetic leg belonging to a man he killed in Afghanistan, as trial in his defamation case entered its third week.

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Lawyer to seek ‘no adverse costs’ order in cartel class action against Facebook, Google
Class Actions 2021-06-18 3:05 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The self-represented lawyer behind a $1 billion class action against Facebook and Google over a cryptocurrency ad ban has said he will bring the first “no adverse costs” application to be heard by the Federal Court under the Competition and Consumer Act.

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Ben Roberts-Smith accused of ‘inventing stories’ on second day of cross-examination
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-18 2:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Ben Roberts-Smith has been accused of “inventing stories” to conceal facts that would support publisher Fairfax’s version of events concerning war crimes allegedly committed by the former SAS soldier in Afghanistan.

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AMP launches bid to declass excessive insurance class action
AMP 2021-06-18 12:03 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

AMP and a number of its financial planning subsidiaries have launched a bid to declass a group proceeding jointly run by Piper Alderman and Shine Lawyers over allegedly excessive insurance premiums.

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Woolworths taken to court by FWO for ‘significant’ underpayment of store managers
Class Actions 2021-06-18 11:36 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Supermarket giant Woolworths has been hit with regulatory action by the Fair Work Ombudsman after it admitted to  shortchanging thousands of full-time salaried managers to the tune of $390 million.

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Google can’t escape publisher finding in defamation win by gangland lawyer
Appeals 2021-06-17 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Google has lost its challenge to a ruling that it pay a Melbourne gangland lawyer $40,000 for the results of an internet search that included a link to a defamatory article, with an appeals court affirming the search engine giant was a publisher of the results.

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Ben Roberts-Smith tells court another soldier shot at unarmed Afghan man first
Anna Mitchelmore 2021-06-17 9:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith has told a court it was “more than reasonable” for him to assume an unarmed Afghan man was a hostile insurgent because he saw another soldier shoot at the man first.

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