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Law firms can push on with separate class actions against CBA under cooperation deal
CBA 2019-07-10 8:33 pm By Amelia Birnie

Rival law firms Maurice Blackburn and Phi Finney McDonald will be allowed to work together without consolidating their separate shareholder class actions against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, after a judge ruled that the bank had overstated the potential for extra costs and delays.

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Ex-CBA exec facing criminal charges ordered to hand over docs in US lawsuit
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2019-07-02 9:03 pm By Amelia Birnie

A former Commonwealth Bank executive facing criminal commercial bribery charges has been ordered to hand over a number of documents in a US lawsuit brought by IT company Computer Sciences Corporation, but has avoided orders compelling him to take the witness stand.

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Commonwealth Bank agrees to enforceable undertaking after privacy breaches
CBA 2019-06-27 9:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Commonwealth Bank must overhaul its privacy practices as part of a court-enforceable undertaking with the Australian Information Commissioner following two data breaches.

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Royal commission class actions pile up, with more on the way
AMP 2019-06-18 2:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

While no means a flood, the class actions filed in response to the shocking evidence of misbehaviour at last year’s banking royal commission have been steadily flowing and show no signs of drying up. Here, we give you the round-up of cases launched so far, the latest developments in each, and what’s coming down the pipeline.

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