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Full Court shoots down Aristocrat’s patents for popular poker machine
Appeals 2021-11-19 9:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

IP Australia has won its appeal of a judge’s decision to allow four Aristocrat patents for its popular Lightning Link electronic poker machine to proceed to grant, with the Full Court finding the invention merely implemented an abstract idea on a computer and was not patentable.

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IP Australia appeals loss in Aristocrat gaming methods patent case
Appeals 2020-07-21 10:41 am By Cat Fredenburgh

IP Australia has appealed a judge’s decision to allow four Aristocrat gaming patents to proceed to grant, hoping for another victory after winning two high stakes challenges to software patents before the Full Federal Court.

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Aristocrat overdid it with expert evidence in patent case, court says
Appeals 2020-07-13 9:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has trimmed the costs the Commissioner of Patents owes Aristocrat Technologies after the gaming giant successfully appealed a ruling rejecting four of its gaming patents, saying Aristocrat had “over-egged the pudding” by submitting evidence from three experts on the patentability of its inventions.

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The house wins: Aristocrat beats out IP Australia in fight over slot machine patents
Appeals 2020-06-05 10:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Gaming giant Aristocrat Technologies has succeeded in its appeal of an IP Australia decision rejecting four of its gaming patents, with a judge finding they were “not a mere scheme” but an actual manner of manufacture.

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Bondi Beach bar sues Aristocrat Technologies over ‘defective’ gaming machines
Aristocrat Technologies 2019-11-29 1:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A trendy Bondi Beach bar has dragged Aristocrat Technologies to court for allegedly selling it defective gaming machines that repeatedly froze when customers tried to use them.

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