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Insurers ‘can’t say’ if they will cover Blue Sky class action claims
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2023-06-09 9:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has avoided a fight “with the High Court written all over it” over whether an investor class action against Blue Sky Alternative Investments and auditor EY can join four insurers to the case.

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PFAS class action on behalf of First Australians settles for $22M
Anya Poukchanski 2023-05-25 11:13 am By Cindy Cameronne

The last remaining class action against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at a military base in Jervis Bay has settled for $22 million, from which $5 million will be deducted for legal costs. 

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‘Some measure of justice’: $50M Stolen Generation settlement shows benefits of class actions, judge says
Alexander Edwards 2023-05-25 2:53 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing a class action by family members and deceased estates of the Northern Territory Stolen Generations, which settled for $50.45 million, has said the case was a “positive example” of representative actions.

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EML takes aim at shareholder class action over AML/CTF disclosures
Class Actions 2023-05-23 10:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Payments processing company EML has hit back at a shareholder class action over its alleged failure to disclose Ireland central bank’s concerns about its anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing compliance, claiming swathes of the case are liable to be struck out.

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PFAS class action settles for $132.7M on eve of trial
Catherine Gleeson 2023-05-15 10:44 am By Cindy Cameronne

One of the two remaining class actions against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at military bases across the country has settled for $132.7 million on the eve of trial, with the final case going back to mediation.

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PFAS class action trial set to begin before ‘frustrated’ judge
Article 2023-04-28 11:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

Unless the parties can reach a last minute settlement over the weekend, trial in a class action against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at military bases across the country will begin Monday.

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Judge ‘frustrated’ that remaining PFAS class action has not settled
Catherine Gleeson 2023-04-26 2:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed his “frustration” that a class action against the government over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam has not settled despite the resolution of similar group proceedings almost three years ago. 

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$50M settlement approved in NT Stolen Generation class action
Alexander Edwards 2023-04-17 4:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $50.45 million settlement in a class action by family members and deceased estates of the Northern Territory Stolen Generations. He has also approved a 13 per cent funding commission by way of a common fund order, saying debates about CFOs had become “lost in the label”.

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‘Too simplistic’: Judges’ support for disclaimer challenged in class action’s High Court appeal
Agriculture 2023-04-13 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

The farmers leading a class action against Advanta Seeds over contaminated product has brought their case to the High Court, challenging an appeals court’s holding that a disclaimer nullified the company’s duty to protect growers against economic loss.

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Judge rejects bid for second opt out notice in Merivale class action
Class Actions 2023-03-27 3:27 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing a $129 million underpayments class action against hospitality giant Merivale has rejected a bid for a second round of opt out notices, finding that even if the first round went straight to employees’ junk or spam folders, it did not follow that they had not been read.

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