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Teens won’t take climate change class action to High Court
Appeals 2022-04-12 3:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court’s finding that the federal government does not owe a duty of care to Australian kids to protect them from the effects of climate change will stand after the lead applicants declined to take the matter to the High Court.

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No duty of care owed to kids by environment minister, Full Court rules
Appeals 2022-03-15 10:45 am By Christine Caulfield

The Full Federal Court has overturned a historic judgment that found the federal minister for the environment owed a duty of care to Australians under 18 to protect them from ‘catastrophic’ harm caused by the approval of the Vickery coal mine expansion.

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Government challenges ‘incoherent’ duty of care in climate change class action appeal
Appeals 2021-07-20 4:44 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Commonwealth says a landmark ruling in a class action that found it has a duty of care to protect Australian children from the effects of global warming is “incoherent” and distorts its ability to balance competing interests.

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Judge keeps climate change class action alive, as duty to children enshrined in law
Ashurst 2021-07-08 1:20 pm By Miklos Bolza

The federal Minister for the Environment has lost a bid to declass a class action brought over climate change risks from an expansion of the Whitehaven coal mine, with a judge making a declaration that the government owes a duty to all Australian children to protect them from global warming.

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Climate change class actions likely as court finds duty of care owed to children
Ashurst 2021-05-28 2:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Class actions are the next battleground following Thursday’s Federal Court ruling that the government owes a duty of care to protect children from the risks of climate change, according to a number of legal experts.

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Government owes duty of care to protect children from climate change, court rules
Ashurst 2021-05-27 11:07 am By Miklos Bolza

The federal Minister for the Environment owes a duty of care to children who could suffer “catastrophic” harms from increased greenhouse gas emissions that would result from approving the expansion of Whitehaven’s Vickery coal mine, a judge has ruled.

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