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Banksia class action solicitor suspended from roll for two years
Breaking News 2022-06-24 9:59 am By Christine Caulfield

The solicitor found to have acted as a “postbox” to hide conflicts of interest in the class action over Banksia Securities’ collapse has been suspended from the roll of practitioners in Victoria for two years, after a judge found he was presently unfit to practice.

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Judge asks why Banksia class action solicitor hasn’t forfeited fees
Brind Zichy-Woinarski 2022-05-11 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing the scandal-ridden Banksia Securities class action has questioned why a solicitor on record for the case hasn’t handed over his ill-gotten fees despite professed regret for his actions and his claims to have reformed.

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Banksia class action lawyers’ conduct ‘shocking and unimaginable’, judge told
Brind Zichy-Woinarski 2022-05-10 11:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The behaviour of the legal team running the Banksia Securities class action was “reprehensible” and the solicitor who allowed himself to be controlled by lawyer and funder Mark Elliott should be struck from the court’s roll of practitioners, a judge heard Tuesday.

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‘I wish I’d never gone to lunch’: Banksia’s ‘postbox’ solicitor rues day he dined with Mark Elliott
Brind Zichy-Woinarski 2022-05-09 8:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

A solicitor fighting to remain on the roll after his involvement in the infamous Banksia Securities class action has told of his regret at having lunch with the funder behind the case eight years ago — a meeting that set in motion a plot driven by lawyers to deceive seven Supreme Court judges and defraud thousands of investors.

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‘Everybody is incredulous’: Silk tells court of surprise at Norman O’Bryan’s fall from grace
Business of Law 2022-03-23 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Commenting on the unprecedented nature of the case against her client — the so-called postbox solicitor in the Banksia Securities class action — a senior barrister has told a court of her shock at the conduct of her former colleague at the bar, Norman O’Bryan, who acted as lead counsel in the scandal-ridden litigation.

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Banksia class action lawyers make $10.6M settlement offer
Andrew Palmer 2022-03-03 10:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lawyers behind a scheme to defraud members of a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities have offered $10.6 million to resolve a case that has put them on the hook for at least double that sum.

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Law firm says Keybridge Capital can’t challenge bills in court
Associate Justice John Efthim 2022-03-02 2:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Legal bills sent to investment firm Keybridge Capital for work related to litigation from 2019 are governed by legislation that doesn’t require cost disclosures to sophisticated clients and can’t be reviewed, a court has heard.

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‘Postbox’ solicitor in Banksia class action wins reprieve from DQ decision
Business of Law 2022-02-16 10:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawyer whose conduct in the Banksia Securites class action was said to have left a stain on the integrity of the legal profession has secured a temporary stay of a decision by Victoria’s legal watchdog to disqualify him from practicing law for four years.

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Banksia class action lawyer loses practicing certificate in ‘bombshell’ move by watchdog
Business of Law 2022-02-04 12:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

The solicitor who was found to have acted as a “postbox” to conceal conflicts of interest in the Banksia class action has lost his practicing certificate ahead of a hearing to show cause why he should remain on the roll.

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