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Judge slams ABC for ‘inadvisible’ redactions in court battle over The Checkout
ABC 2021-06-22 2:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has criticised the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for “ill advised” redactions in documents produced in a dispute between the producers of the consumer affairs television series The Checkout.

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Court suppresses details of Grosvenor, Vannin co-funding agreement
ACCC 2020-05-18 4:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has granted a request from Grosvenor Litigation Services, the funder that backed two class actions against Volkswagen over its emissions cheating scandal, to suppress the details of a co-funding agreement with Vannin Capital.

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In a first, judge says High Court dealt CFOs a total knockout
Adam Hochroth 2020-05-14 6:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has found that the High Court’s landmark ruling last year blocking common fund orders in the early stages of a class action also barred them from being made at the conclusion of a proceeding, departing from several recent rulings on common fund orders.

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Full Federal Court gets chance to weigh in on market-based causation
Appeals 2019-11-21 4:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Shareholders have appealed a ruling that found a “serious problem” with market-based causation and dismissed three cases against the liquidator of failed global financial services firm Babcock & Brown.

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Toyota points finger at drivers in diesel filter class action
Bannister Law 2019-10-23 3:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

Responding to a class action on behalf of over 250,000 car owners, auto giant Toyota has admitted issues with filters in three of its diesel vehicle models but says drivers who failed to respond to warning lights in their cars could not clam damages for any breaches of quality guarantees.

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Judge tosses Babcock & Brown cases, finds ‘serious problems’ with market-based causation
Class Actions 2019-10-21 8:47 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has dismissed three proceedings by shareholders against the liquidator of failed global financial services firm Babcock & Brown, in a finding that highlights “serious problems” with market-based causation and may have ramifications for securities class actions.

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