A judge has thrown out a contempt motion brought by the owner of the Illawarra Hawks against the landlady of his $15,000 per week apartment, finding the woman did not commit criminal contempt by failing to remove personal items, including porcelain dolls, which were stored at the premises.
Australian singer The Kid Laroi has failed to restrain solicitors who acted for his benefit in negotiating a record deal from representing his former manager in a contractual dispute, with a judge rejecting arguments the lawyers could be seen as “switching sides”.
Mayfair 101 founder James Mawhinney must pay $1.3 million in security within six weeks or a case brought on behalf of his property management group Mainland against a lender and two McGrathNichol receivers will be thrown out.
A judge considering bids to de-class COVID-19 business interruption class actions has said group members can sign up for the representative proceedings but later decide to make claims directly with their insurers.
A judge has rejected a bid by in-fighting group members to bar children and non-Aboriginal residents in the Wreck Bay community from receiving a cut of an approved $22 million settlement over alleged PFAS contamination.
Former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith and Seven Network, which funded his defamation case, have asked for the Full Federal Court to weigh in on appeals against a decision requiring the production of thousands of emails passing between them, which the broadcaster said has implications for all funded proceedings.
Infant formula giant Care A2 will try again to block business partner Gensco from bringing claims against it in a US court that overlap with a $200 million Australian lawsuit over a deal to sell formula in the US.
Direct bank Members Equity has pleaded guilty to criminal charges over misleading representations to customers, but a judge has questioned the bank’s submissions in favour of a low penalty, noting it was only “happenstance” that a systems glitch didn’t lead to worse outcomes for customers.
The High Court won’t hear an appeal in a case by Acciona and Ferrovial against three insurers over coverage for loss and damage resulting from heavy rainfall at the site of construction of the Pacific Highway in northern New South Wales.
Two law firms that have been jointly running a class action against the NSW government over light rail construction in Sydney are now competing to run the case solo, after their relationship broke down and the funder lost confidence in one of the firms, a court has heard.