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ABC keeps up fight for federal police docs behind search warrant
ABC 2019-09-17 10:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ABC is challenging a court ruling last month that rejected its bid to access documents behind the Australian Federal Police’s warrant to search its headquarters and partially blocked an application to amend claims in its case over the legality of the raid.

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ABC on ‘fishing expedition’ for documents in AFP raid case, judge says
ABC 2019-08-20 9:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has lost a bid for the documents behind an Australian Federal Police warrant to search its headquarters, with a Federal Court judge criticising the media organisation for embarking on a “fishing expedition”.

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ABC wants AFP affidavit that secured ‘legally unreasonable’ search warrant
ABC 2019-08-02 9:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is fighting the legality of a police raid on its Sydney headquarters, has urged the Federal Court to order the Australian Federal Police to hand over a document it produced as rationale for obtaining a search warrant.

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