Three Sydney commercial landlords whose properties were compulsorily acquired to make way for the WestConnex project have come to the end of the road in their fight for $56.5 million in compensation, with the High Court refusing to hear their case.
High-end jewellery retailer Tiffany & Co has won its bid to block Sydney Metro from accessing privileged documents in a dispute over the compulsory acquisition of its store in Sydney’s Martin Place for the $2.7 billion Sydney Metro rail project.
A group of Sydney commercial landlords whose properties were compulsorily acquired for the WestConnex project have lost an appeal seeking $56.5 million in compensation, after the Valuer-General offered them just over half that amount.
Two companies owned by the ex-director of Dial A Dump have failed in a bid to secure $584 million in compensation for land compulsorily acquired by the NSW Government for the WestConnex project, with the court granting them less than 10 per cent of that amount.
An appeals court has overturned a ruling awarding $2 million in compensation to United Petroleum after the state government compulsorily acquired land on which the petrol retailer operated a service station and restaurant.