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ASIC takes action against ex-Freedom Insurance boss over Vespa sales incentive
ASIC 2021-10-25 9:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The corporate regulator has brought proceedings against the former boss of defunct Freedom Insurance and another executive over an insurance sales program that incentivized sales agents with overseas holidays and a Vespa scooter.

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Appeals court paves way for $915M museum despite ‘irony’ of Willow Grove removal
Appeals 2021-07-21 4:37 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A resident group’s last ditch attempt to prevent the NSW government from relocating a locally significant heritage building has been dismissed by the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal, paving the way for the development of a $915 million museum in Parramatta.

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Grant Thornton can bring cross-claim against Forge Group
Accounting 2021-05-21 9:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Grant Thornton has won approval to a bring a cross-claim against Forge Group, just three months ahead of trial in the collapsed engineering company’s case against the accounting firm and ten former directors for their alleged negligence in relation to its “uneconomic” purchase of CTEC in 2012.

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Forge directors fail to explain need for multiple law firms in liquidators’ case, judge says
Banton Group 2021-04-14 2:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has slashed security for costs sought in a case brought by the liquidators of engineering and construction company Forge Group after the former directors targeted in the action failed to explain why they had retained multiple law firms.

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