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ATO won’t promise not to prosecute PwC for tax offences
Ashurst 2021-02-03 12:06 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The ATO has refused to sign an undertaking that it won’t prosecute PricewaterhouseCoopers for tax crimes if it hands over thousands of documents at the centre of a legal professional privilege fight.

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On judge’s urging, JBS drops PwC solicitor in privilege fight with tax office
Ashurst 2021-02-02 9:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

Meat processor JBS Australia has appointed new legal representation in a battle with the Australian Taxation Office over the scope of privilege attached to thousands of documents produced by its tax adviser, PricewaterhouseCoopers, after a judge raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest in PwC’s representation of its client.

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The top litigation law firms of 2020
Allens 2021-01-27 11:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Lawyerly’s Litigation Firms of 2020 delivered significant victories for clients last year in bet-the-company matters, thriving in a tumultuous year that saw courts and litigants adapt to virtual trials and other new norms that are sure to outlast the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Judge remains concerned about conflict of interest in PWC privilege battle with tax office
Accounting 2020-12-18 10:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

Assurances that PwC can be a defendant in a privilege fight with the ATO while representing three other defendants in the proceedings and avoid a conflict of interest has failed to allay concerns raised by a Federal Court judge, who said the situation created “at least an appearance of tension”.

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ATO appeals Crown victory over GST on high roller junkets
Appeals 2020-11-03 4:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Taxation Office is challenging a victory by two Crown Resorts’ casinos in a $100 million dispute over GST assessments on commissions and rebates paid to tour operators that directed international VIP gamblers to the casinos.

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Crown scores win in fight with ATO over $100M in GST on high roller junkets
Australian Government Solicitor 2020-09-10 3:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two casinos owned by Crown Resorts have been handed a Federal Court victory in their $100 million battle with the Australian Taxation Office, with a judge ruling that GST assessments made by the ATO were “excessive”.

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