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CBA to backpay staff $3M to settle rest break lawsuit
CBA 2023-08-23 10:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has agreed to backpay thousands of branch staff $3 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it failed to provide employees with paid rest breaks for at least six years.

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Coles, Woolworths ‘can’t hide behind’ poor records, court told as underpayments trial kicks off
Adero Law 2023-06-05 5:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

On the first day of trial in parallel class actions and regulatory proceedings, the Fair Work Ombudsman panned the payment systems adopted by Woolworths and Coles for salaried managers, saying they were “entirely foreign” to the industrial award and that the supermarket giants had “no meaningful proper records” for overtime. 

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No livestream for trial in wage cases against Coles, Woolworths
Adero Law 2023-04-28 2:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Federal Court judge has pulled the plug on a bid by the Fair Work Ombudsman for an upcoming trial in wage cases against supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths to be livestreamed like other hearings of public interest in the court.

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Law firm’s bid for Coles, Woolworths worker details could cause chaos, court told
Adero Law 2023-02-17 4:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A law firm running underpayments class actions against Coles and Woolworths has sought orders forcing them to hand over contact details for key workers in the Fair Work Ombudsman’s parallel cases, which the supermarket giants lashed as likely to “cause chaos” in the proceedings.

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Judge frowns on survey to determine CBA’s liability in rest break case
Class Actions 2022-07-06 5:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has questioned the Finance Sector Union’s idea to use a survey to gather evidence about 3,000 employees who claim the Commonwealth Bank of Australia failed to provide them with paid rest breaks for at least six years.

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CBA says it wasn’t obligated to roster breaks enshrined in enterprise agreements
CBA 2022-05-17 4:07 pm By Sam Matthews

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has hit back at a $45 million lawsuit alleging it failed to provide thousands of employees with paid rest breaks for at least six years, saying it had no responsibility to schedule or roster the breaks.

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Flying Eureka Flag at construction sites banned under building code, court finds
ABCC 2022-03-11 9:24 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A court has found that flying flags associated with the Eureka Rebellion or displaying material bearing union mottos and indicia at construction sites contravenes the Building Code.

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Woolworths class action settlement ditched after judge expresses concerns
Adero Law 2022-03-08 12:36 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A class action settlement with Woolworths which “troubled” a Federal Court judge has been abandoned, with the lead applicants resuming their bid to intervene in a parallel proceeding brought by the Fair Work Ombudsman against the supermarket giant.

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CBA says branch arrangements ‘critical’ to defence of $45M rest break case
CBA 2022-03-01 9:39 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Commonwealth Bank has won more time to examine the particular work arrangements in 24 individual branches, as it fights allegations of systemic failures to provide thousands of employees with paid rest breaks since 2014.

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CBA wants more info on $45M rest break lawsuit
CBA 2022-02-21 4:21 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia wants more details about the Finance Sector Union’s allegations that it failed to provide thousands of employees with paid rest breaks for at least six years. 

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