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Deloitte strikes back in Noumi class action over $590M write-down
Accounting 2022-04-21 5:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Deloitte and Noumi, formerly known as Freedom Foods, have pointed the finger at one another in a consolidated shareholder class action, with the accounting giant saying the food company made misleading representations in its financial reports and should be on the hook for its costs in defending the lawsuit.

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Judge won’t let two class actions against Freedom Foods, Deloitte run in parallel
Alistair Pound 2021-09-22 1:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected an application by the plaintiffs in two class actions against Freedom Foods and Deloitte to run their cases side-by-side, but said she would have granted a bid to consolidate the proceedings had that been sought.

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MIS regime poses ‘real risk’ to consolidating Freedom Foods class actions, court told
Accounting 2021-09-17 10:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

Recent changes to the law requiring funded class actions to be registered as managed investment schemes have complicated the question of how best to resolve the multiplicity issue in two class actions brought against Freedom Foods and Deloitte.

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