Japanese oil and gas producer INPEX and contractor JKC Australia have settled all claims between them relating to the construction of the $45 billion of Ichthys LNG project.
A judge has slapped a 4WD rental company that made “harsh and unjustified threats” against customers who challenged its decision to retain their security deposits with a $1.2 million fine.
A judge has ordered the winding up of a managed investment scheme operated by Perth businessman Chris Marco and his company AMS Holdings after investors allegedly lost more than $200 million.
Accepting that criminal proceedings were “on the cards” for accused Ponzi schemer Chris Marco, a judge has ordered the appointment of receivers to his assets and those of his company, AMS Holdings, saying there was a strong need for an independent assessment of the investment activities of the WA businessman.
The ACCC has been given the go-ahead to continue its regulatory action against car rental company Australian 4WD Hire over allegedly threatening emails, three months after the firm went into voluntary liquidation.
Car rental company Australian 4WD Hire will need to take steps to recover deleted, allegedly threatening emails after a court found it had not complied with its discovery obligations in an unconscionable conduct case brought by the consumer regulator.