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High Court to hear BHP challenge to foreign investors in class action
Alistair Pound 2022-02-18 10:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

BHP Group has been granted special leave from the High Court to appeal a ruling that rejected its bid to exclude foreign investors from a shareholder class action over the 2015 Fundao dam disaster.

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Bayer Essure class action wins unredacted discovery for opt out notice
Class Actions 2022-01-10 2:41 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Bayer has lost its bid to redact the names and contact details of potential group members from discovered documents in a Slater & Gordon-led class action over the drug maker’s Essure contraceptive device.

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Rex boss threatened cadets in letter urging ‘fierce loyalty’, appeals court says
Appeals 2021-12-17 10:13 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Australia’s leading regional airline faces further litigation after an appeals court found it sent a threatening letter to prospective cadet pilots, urging them to stay in cheap, “inappropriate accommodation” in order to demonstrate their commitment to the company.

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‘Astonished’ judge scolds law firms for slow progress in Treasury Wine Estates class action
Class Actions 2021-11-12 5:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Victoria Supreme Court judge has admonished Maurice Blackburn and Slater & Gordon for their less than speedy progress in a consolidated shareholder class action against Treasury Wine Estates, after hearing that evidence would not be filed by the plaintiffs until the end of 2022.

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Claims trimmed in COVID-19 public housing class action
Class Actions 2021-10-13 1:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action over a public housing lockdown during Melbourne’s second COVID-19 wave in July last year is seeking to discontinue battery and negligence claims against the Victorian government, a court has heard.

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Judge won’t let two class actions against Freedom Foods, Deloitte run in parallel
Alistair Pound 2021-09-22 1:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected an application by the plaintiffs in two class actions against Freedom Foods and Deloitte to run their cases side-by-side, but said she would have granted a bid to consolidate the proceedings had that been sought.

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MIS regime poses ‘real risk’ to consolidating Freedom Foods class actions, court told
Accounting 2021-09-17 10:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

Recent changes to the law requiring funded class actions to be registered as managed investment schemes have complicated the question of how best to resolve the multiplicity issue in two class actions brought against Freedom Foods and Deloitte.

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Contingency fee law to blame for failure of first class action GCO bid
Analysis 2021-09-16 11:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

A ruling this week that rejected the first application for a group costs order in a class action because the applicants were better off with their existing no win, no fee arrangement was the right decision given the limits of the legislation, experts say.

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Judge rejects first ever bid for contingency fees in class action
ANZ 2021-09-14 9:57 am By Christine Caulfield

Saying the interests of class action members “must be given primacy”, a judge has rejected the first bid for a group costs order in a class action since contingency fee legislation passed in Victoria.

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BHP asks High Court to weigh in on inclusion of foreign investors in class action
Alistair Pound 2021-07-05 11:56 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Global resources giant BHP Group is seeking special leave from the High Court to appeal a ruling that rejected its bid to exclude foreign investors from a shareholder class action over the 2015 Fundao dam disaster.

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