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Insurance policies stalling Quintis class action settlement were ‘cobbled together’, court hears
Alexander Edwards 2020-08-11 6:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

Insurance policies that may be worth up to $46 million and have derailed settlement approval in two class actions against sandalwood producer Quintis were “cobbled together” and contained errors and omissions, a court has heard.

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Judge rejects ‘arguably excessive’ funder’s commission in KPMG class action
Class Actions 2019-07-31 11:52 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected a proposed common fund order in the settled KPMG class action, saying the funder’s commission was “arguably excessive” and could result in a “stratospheric” return to the firm.

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Piper Alderman’s $3.5M legal bill for running KPMG class action in limbo
Class Actions 2019-07-12 1:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has refused to approve Piper Alderman’s $3.5 million in legal fees charged for running a class action against KPMG, appointing Grant Thornton as contradictor and giving the auditor the ability to seek assistance from the court for any future disputes about the controversial bill.

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