An appeals court has found it “inconceivable” that legislation aimed at protecting public health would not have afforded the New South Wales health minister the power to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers, given the outbreak of the Delta strain of the coronavirus.
A Federal Circuit Court judge has hit back at accusations he conducted “the grossest parody of a court hearing” when he unlawfully imprisoned a Queensland man for contempt of court, telling a trial “he is a human being [who] made a mistake”.
A court has struck down the third wave of challenges to the New South Wales public health orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for health workers, ruling the “dictates” of a person’s conscience do not relieve them of compliance with the orders.
A court has dismissed challenges to the New South Wales public health orders that made it mandatory for certain workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, declaring they did not breach workers’ rights to bodily integrity.
The New South Wales government has accused anti-vaccination advocates of having a “misguided” and “one-dimensional focus” on the fundamental rights of the individual over those of a community contending with the highly-contagious Delta variant of COVID-19.
Individuals challenging public health orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers in New South Wales have told a court “the line was crossed” when the state government threatened their livelihoods.
Health experts have told a court hearing a challenge to a requirement that certain workers get the COVID-19 jab that vaccinations are an effective tool in the fight against the coronavirus, despite the global surge of ‘breakthrough’ infections caused by the outbreak of the highly-infectious Delta strain.
Legal challenges to the New South Wales Health Minister’s orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers have already entered a third wave and cannot all be heard together, a court has heard.
A Federal Court judge has said he will be “quite unimpressed” with 11th hour bids to notify state Attorneys-General of constitutional disputes in a wrongful imprisonment lawsuit against Federal Circuit Court Judge Salvatore Vasta, ordering the parties to act swiftly to let the states intervene in the case.
A judge hearing a lawsuit against Federal Circuit Court Judge Salvatore Vasta over alleged wrongful imprisonment has heard that a finding putting the Commonwealth on the hook for future jurisdictional errors by judges would meet an “inevitable” appeal.