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Court approves settlement with ANZ in 7-Eleven class actions
7-Eleven 2020-08-25 6:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has signed off on a settlement that releases ANZ from two class actions by 7-Eleven franchisees that alleged the bank engaged in unconscionable conduct and breached responsible lending laws by providing loans to purchase outlets of the convenience store giant.

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Why the case against contingency fees does not stack up
Class Actions 2020-03-16 2:20 pm By WP Creative

If contingency fees are really so bad that they should be opposed as a matter of principle, why did each of the Productivity Commission, the Victorian Law Reform Commission, and the Australian Law Reform Commission recommend their introduction? The answer is that on close analysis, the arguments against contingency fees do not bear scrutiny, says NSW barrister Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz.

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Westpac settles class action over alleged Ponzi scheme
Allens 2019-06-12 8:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

Banking giant Westpac has settled an investor class action brought by Levitt Robinson for its alleged role in an unregistered managed investment scheme.

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Class actions in NSW Supreme Court do not require plaintiffs to have a claim against all defendants
Article 2019-03-21 9:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

In a first for the NSW Supreme Court, Judge Peter Garling last week found that the plaintiff in a class action does not need to have a claim against all defendants, a case that could make life much easier for plaintiff lawyers, says barrister Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz of Second Floor Wentworth Chambers.clas

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