A Federal Court judge has taken a swipe at new regulations that require class action funding arrangements to be registered as managed investment schemes, saying it was difficult to reconcile the new rules with the class action regime.
Water supplier and dam operator Seqwater has won its high-stakes challenge to a ruling finding it liable for the 2011 Queensland floods and sticking it with half the damages owed to thousands of class action members.
Dam operator Seqwater will find out this week if its decision not to settle with group members in a class action over the 2011 Queensland floods has paid off.
The funder backing a class action accusing two energy generators of gaming Queensland’s energy prices wants the Full Court to find the landmark Brookfield Multiplex ruling, which held that a litigation funding arrangement for a class action was a managed investment scheme, was wrongly decided.
A judge has awarded four sample group members in the Queensland floods class action $1.28 million in compensation, finding that charitable payments did not affect the amount of interest payable on the damages they are owed.
A $440 million settlement by the State of Queensland and dam operator Sunwater resolving a class action over the 2011 Queensland floods has been approved by a NSW judge.
The law firm behind a long-running class action over the 2011 floods in Queensland which reached a $440 million partial settlement last month has estimated that its legal bill to date totals around $60 million.
The State of Queensland and subcontractor Sunwater have agreed to pay $440 million to settle part of a class action over the 2011 floods in Queensland that destroyed 2,000 homes in the state.
A judge has ruled that disaster payments cannot be taken into consideration in assessing damages in a long-running class action over the 2011 Queensland floods that destroyed 2,000 homes and claimed 12 lives.
Embattled dam operators Seqwater and Sunwater, along with the State of Queensland, have been hit with costs in a class action over the 2011 floods that destroyed 2,000 homes and claimed 12 lives.