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Nationwide appeal of Geoffrey Rush defamation win will argue Rebel Wilson case was ‘plainly wrong’
Ashurst 2019-05-27 5:08 pm By Amelia Birnie

Nationwide News’ appeal of actor Geoffrey Rush’s record $2.9 million defamation win will argue the aggravated damages finding in actress Rebel Wilson’s defamation case against Woman’s Day publisher Bauer Media was “plainly wrong”.

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Judge slams Buzzfeed’s truth defence in Emma Husar’s defamation case
Clarissa Amato 2019-02-22 9:26 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has gutted Buzzfeed’s truth defence in a defamation case brought by Labor MP Emma Husar accusing the news publisher of “slut shaming” her, saying the claims said to back the defence were “incapable” of supporting its case.

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Ben Roberts-Smith accuser fears for safety in defamation trial
Bruce McClintock 2018-11-22 4:35 pm By Miklos Bolza

A key prospective witness in the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation case who has accused the war hero of domestic violence has described “genuine fears” for her mental and physical health if her identity were made public.

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