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Murdoch argues public interest defence no ‘new dawn’ for media outlets
Clarissa Amato 2022-10-10 3:06 am By Sam Matthews

Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch has told a court that Crikey publisher Private Media will be hard-pressed to use a new public interest defence as a shield against his defamation suit over an article allegedly linking the media mogul to the January 6 attack on the US Capital.

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Murdoch accuses Crikey of ‘hatred and ridicule’, lobs strike-out application
Clarissa Amato 2022-09-23 12:32 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Fox News CEO Lachlan Murdoch has filed a bid to strike out Crikey publisher Private Media’s defence to a defamation suit over an article allegedly linking the media mogul to the US Capital riot, claiming the Australian publisher’s recent public statements directed “hate and ridicule” towards him.

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AG John Quigley to return to witness box in Clive Palmer defamation trial
Barry Dean 2022-03-28 10:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

Hoping to correct “mistakes” in his testimony in the trial of Clive Palmer’s defamation case, Western Australia Attorney-General John Quigley will get the chance to amend his evidence as a witness for state premier Mark McGowan next month.

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WA Attorney General says he made ‘mistakes’ under oath in Clive Palmer trial
Article 2022-03-24 10:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

WA Attorney-General John Quigley wants a second go at his trial testimony in a defamation case brought by mining magnate Clive Palmer, admitting he made “mistakes” while giving evidence in the witness box.

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WA premier thanked media mogul for front page depicting Clive Palmer as a cockroach, court told
Barry Dean 2022-03-09 9:13 pm By Sam Matthews

WA premier Mark McGowan’s text messages between Kerry Stokes and the WA Attorney General have been revealed at the trial in Clive Palmer’s defamation case, including an exchange in which the state’s leader thanks the media baron for the “marvellous front pages”.

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‘I couldn’t sleep at night’: Clive Palmer says he feared for safety after WA’s ‘Palmer Act’
Barry Dean 2022-02-16 7:14 pm By Sam Matthews

Clive Palmer said he feared for his physical safety as a result of the criminal immunity granted to the WA government by legislation and the consequent ‘political campaign’ waged against him, as he took the stand for the first time in his defamation trial against the WA premier.

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‘A complete ass’: Judge in Palmer, McGowan trial bemoans state of defamation law
Barry Dean 2022-02-15 9:38 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing the closely watched trial in Clive Palmer’s defamation case against WA Premier Mark McGowan has vented his frustrations with the state of Australian defamation proceedings, railing against what he said was the common practice of parties refusing to concede even minor points. 

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‘Vicious rhetoric’: WA premier’s remarks about Clive Palmer more than name-calling
Article 2022-02-14 10:20 pm By Sam Matthews

Comments made about Clive Palmer by Western Australia premier Mark McGowan in press conferences were “heavy with historical and sinister significance”, a court has heard on the first day of trial in the mining billionaire’s defamation case. 

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Christian Porter wins bid to keep secret ABC’s full defence in defamation case
ABC 2021-07-30 10:20 am By Miklos Bolza

Former Attorney-General Christian Porter has succeeded in scrubbing from the court record the ABC’s full defence in his now-settled defamation suit against the broadcaster, over the protests of media outlets, with a judge finding the principle of open justice was “not absolute”.

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SA Coroner gets access to confidential ABC defence docs in Porter case
Bret Walker 2021-07-28 5:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

Confidential portions of the ABC’s defence in the former Attorney-General Christian Porter’s defamation case can be disclosed to the South Australian State Coroner as part of his investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Porter’s alleged rape victim.

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